Nigeria Economy.: a concern. Nigeria’s economy is in crisis. The naira has fallen over 50% in the last year alone. Oil revenues, the mainstay of nigeria’s foreign ear...
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EVOLUTION OF MICROECONOMICS Microeconomics is the study of the behaviour of individuals and small impacting organisations in making decisions on the allocation of limited resources. The modern field o...
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ABSTRACTThis paperinvestigates the impact of global powers on the performance of the Nigerianeconomy ‘between’ 1970-2014 through the application of simple Annual AverageGrowth Rate (...
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This paper analyses nigeria’s poverty alleviation strategies since 1960. there is an indication that despite attempts at curbing poverty through poverty alleviation strategies, nig...
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introduction objective of business may be different but their basic business activity is the same. they all produce or buy and sell goods and services that are in demand. demand is in fact...
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Study examines the impact of agriculture on economic growth in Nigeria from1980 to 2014. Agriculture played a dominant role in the economic growth of thecountry, providing emp...
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prefacethis research work is to identify the unemployment in our society. the work is divided into seven chapter. this tries to state the problems encountered in unemployment. and d...
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introduction1.1 preamblenigeria is a leading oil producing country in africa; she is the second longest producer of oil after libya, while she ranks as the eight leading produce in the world. since ni...
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introductiona "fund of funds" (fof) is an investment strategy of holding a portfolio of other investment funds rather than investing directly in stocks, bonds or other securities. this type of investi...
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i have been written the term paper on the unsatisfied, a gaping needed in the impact of petroleum products scarcity on the nigeria economy according to okon (1999). the under funding cist...
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