Nigeria: Pathway To Poverty Alleviation.

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This paper analyses Nigeria’s poverty alleviation strategies since 1960. There is an indication that despite attempts at curbing poverty through poverty alleviation strategies, Nigeria’s poverty level continues to increase in a worrisome dimension with poverty remaining a hydra-headed monster. The failure of these strategies to reduce Nigeria’s poverty burden has been attributed to several factors including corruption, the multiplicity of programmes which lead to overlapping functions, and poor funding and implementation mechanisms for such programmes. The paper therefore contends that for existing poverty alleviation strategies to achieve desired results, they must be streamlined and must be well funded. The paper also suggests alternative policy and strategic options for poverty reduction including the need to exploit the opportunities in high potential sectors like Agriculture and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and the need for the educational curriculum to be refocused on skill acquisition and capacity development. 

Key words: Poverty, poverty alleviation strategies, Agriculture, Skill Acquisition, Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

Table of Content


1.0 Introduction.

1.1 Background of the Study.

1.2 Objectives of the Study.

1.3 Problem of the Study.

1.4 Significance of the Study.

1.5 Scope of the Study.

1.6 Limitations of the Study.

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Conceptual Clarifications: Poverty and Poverty Alleviation Strategies.

2.2 Why Poverty is a Problem

2.3 Causes of Poverty.

2.4 Measurement of Poverty and Poverty Indicators.

2.5 Poverty as a Global Phenomenon – Global Perspective of Poverty and Actions.

2.6 Gender and Poverty.

2.7 Poverty Alleviation Strategies.

2.8 Poverty Alleviation Strategies: Lessons from China – A Cross-Country Analysis.

3.0 Poverty Alleviation Strategies: The Nigerian Experience.

3.1 Nigeria’s Poverty Profile. 

3.2 A History of government’s Policy Response (Poverty Alleviation Strategies) to Nigeria’s poverty problem.

3.2.1 The Pre-SAP Era.  

3.2.2 The SAP Era

3.2.3 The Post-SAP Era/Democratic era

4.0 An Assessment of the Performance of Nigeria’s Poverty Alleviation Strategies.

4.1 The Performance of Nigeria’s Poverty Alleviation Strategies.

4.2 Challenges to Poverty Alleviation Strategies in Nigeria.

5.0 Summary, Recommendations and Conclusion.

5.1 Summary

5.2 Recommendation

 5.3 Conclusion

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(2015, 02). Nigeria: Pathway To Poverty Alleviation... Retrieved 02, 2015, from
"Nigeria: Pathway To Poverty Alleviation.." 02 2015. 2015. 02 2015 <>.
"Nigeria: Pathway To Poverty Alleviation...", 02 2015. Web. 02 2015. <>.
"Nigeria: Pathway To Poverty Alleviation..." 02, 2015. Accessed 02, 2015.

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