ABSTRACT.The first five years of life are the most crucial to the physical and intellectual development of children and can determine their potential to learn and thrive for a life time. That is why i...
Premium 27 pages 5578 words Paper All Levels
This paper examines the dynamicrelationship between inflation and exchange rate volatility in Nigeria for theperiod 1970 to 2010 using Johansen Co-integration Technique. GARCH and ARCH(1,1) tech...
Free 18 pages 7993 words Paper All Levels
This paper seeks to examine the impact of the Nigerian capital market on its economic growth from the period of 1990-2010. This means that the performance of the stock market is an impetus for economi...
Premium 9 pages 5763 words Paper All Levels
The capital market in Nigeria had been influenced by various factors which are associated with the level of development of the Nigerian economy The paper discusses the development of the capital marke...
Free 38 pages 10126 words Paper All Levels
The socio-political and economic world, as it exists and functions today, is increasingly shrinking and interconnecting itself into a globalized village; a veritable system or structure where all part...
Premium 21 pages 5650 words Paper All Levels
This paper is aimed at examining the role played by microfinance banks towards the promotion of entrepreneurship in semi urban and rural areas of Nigeria, it will also identify the challenges facing t...
Premium 13 pages 2527 words Paper All Levels