Antioxidants As Strategy Against Metal Exposure

ProjectStoc - 30 pages 4216 words 5038 views Seminar Degree Level Biochemistry ₦3500 Naira ($9.21 USD)

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Oxidative stress contributes to the pathophysiology of exposure to heavy metals. Beneficial renal effects of some medications, such as chelation therapy depend at least partially on the ability to alleviate oxidative stress. The administration of various natural or synthetic antioxidants has been shown to be of benefit in the prevention and attenuation of metal induced biochemical alterations. These include vitamins, N-acetylcysteine, α-lipoic acid, melatonin, dietary flavonoids and many others. Human studies are limited in this regard. Under certain conditions, surprisingly, the antioxidant supplements may exhibit pro-oxidant properties and even worsen metal-induced toxic damage. To date, the evidence is sufficient to recommend antioxidant supplements in subject with exposure to metals. Prospective, controlled clinical trials on safety and effectiveness of different therapeutic antioxidant strategies either individually or in combination with chelating agent are indispensable. This review focuses on structural and chemical aspects of antioxidants particularly related to their chelating properties. The importance of antioxidants and the effects of antioxidant deficiency have being reviewed in this work.


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(2017, 06). Antioxidants As Strategy Against Metal Exposure.. Retrieved 06, 2017, from
"Antioxidants As Strategy Against Metal Exposure." 06 2017. 2017. 06 2017 <>.
"Antioxidants As Strategy Against Metal Exposure..", 06 2017. Web. 06 2017. <>.
"Antioxidants As Strategy Against Metal Exposure.." 06, 2017. Accessed 06, 2017.

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