Female Autonomy And Childcare Practices In South West Nigeria

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The World Health Organization defines autonomy as the ability to make decision without being influenced by anyone else (WHO, 2013). Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being of an individual. Low status of women seems to be closely related to the low nutritional status of children, not having the right to decide what your children needs to eat, when to eat, when to visit the health centre etc. (WHO, 2008). The 2013 Nigeria Demographic Health Survey (NDHS) data is being used for the analysis of this study. The target population for this study is women from age 15-49 years of age who are currently married which was collected by the Nigeria Demographic Health Survey (NDHS) 2013. Three levels of analysis were employed for the study at univariate, bivariate and multi variatelevels, also Chi-Square and Binary Logistic Regression were used to test the hypothesis. Mothers with high and average autonomy are more likely to give their children nutritious food, take them for immunization and have a good source of hygiene than mothers with low autonomy. Mothers who are working are 0.5% more likely to feed their children nutritiously compared to mothers who are not working. The study therefore suggests that women should be empowered and supported, early marriage should be discouraged.   

Table of Content
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of Content v
Abstract vi

Chapter One
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 2
1.3 Research Questions 3
1.4 Objectives of the Study 3
1.5 Justification of the Study 4
1.6 Definition of Terms 5

Chapter Two
2.1 Literature Review 6
2.2 Theoretical Framework 8
2.3 Conceptual Framework 11
2.4 Hypothesis 12

Chapter Three
3.0 Introduction 13
3.1 Study area 13
3.2 Study Population 13
3.3 Data source 14
3.4 Sample design 14
3.5 Methods of Data Analysis 14

Chapter Four
4.0 Introduction 15
4.1 Presentation of findings 15
4.2 Bivariate analysis 20
4.3 Multivariate analysis 25
4.4 Discussion of Findings 28

Chapter Five 
5.0 Introduction 31
5.1 Summary of Findings 31
5.2 Conclusions 31
5.3 Recommendations 32
References 34           
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(2016, 08). Female Autonomy And Childcare Practices In South West Nigeria.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 08, 2016, from https://projectstoc.com/read/7963/female-autonomy-and-childcare-practices-in-south-west-nigeria-8057
"Female Autonomy And Childcare Practices In South West Nigeria." ProjectStoc.com. 08 2016. 2016. 08 2016 <https://projectstoc.com/read/7963/female-autonomy-and-childcare-practices-in-south-west-nigeria-8057>.
"Female Autonomy And Childcare Practices In South West Nigeria.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 08 2016. Web. 08 2016. <https://projectstoc.com/read/7963/female-autonomy-and-childcare-practices-in-south-west-nigeria-8057>.
"Female Autonomy And Childcare Practices In South West Nigeria.." ProjectStoc.com. 08, 2016. Accessed 08, 2016. https://projectstoc.com/read/7963/female-autonomy-and-childcare-practices-in-south-west-nigeria-8057.