Prevalence Of Gastro-intestinal Heminthiasis Among Primary School Children (ihengwu Village, Oko, Orumba North L.g.a.)

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Gastro Intestinal Helminthiasis was investigated among primary school children in Ihengwu village, Oko between February and March 2015. Sixty samples of freshly collected faeces from sixty randomly selected primary school children between the age of four and ten years from two selected primary schools; Gaius Benton and Pope John primary schools, Oko were analyzed. A small quantity of each faecal sample was collected from the specimen bottle and emulsified on a clean microscopic slide and then examined microscopically of the 60 samples examined, 52(86.7%) harbored helminthes ova, Ascaris Lumbricoides was 33(55%), Ancylostoma duodenale was 14(23.3%) and Trichuris trichiura was 5(8.3%).

Table of Contents
Title page                                            i
Certification                                        ii
Dedication                                        iii
Acknowledgement                                    iv
Table of Contents                                    v
Abstract                                            vi


Introduction                                        1
Background of the study                                1
Aim/objectives                                        9
Scope of the study                                    9


Literature Review                                    10
General structure of nematodes                        16
Geographical distribution of helminthes                    19
Morphology of helminthes                                22
Mode of transmission of helminthes                        27
Economics importance of helminthes                    29


Materials and Method                                31
Materials                                            31
Method                                            31
Processing                                        31
Microscopic examination                                32
Identification of helminthes                             32
Reference                                            33

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(2016, 01). Prevalence Of Gastro-intestinal Heminthiasis Among Primary School Children (ihengwu Village, Oko, Orumba North L.g.a.).. Retrieved 01, 2016, from
"Prevalence Of Gastro-intestinal Heminthiasis Among Primary School Children (ihengwu Village, Oko, Orumba North L.g.a.)." 01 2016. 2016. 01 2016 <>.
"Prevalence Of Gastro-intestinal Heminthiasis Among Primary School Children (ihengwu Village, Oko, Orumba North L.g.a.)..", 01 2016. Web. 01 2016. <>.
"Prevalence Of Gastro-intestinal Heminthiasis Among Primary School Children (ihengwu Village, Oko, Orumba North L.g.a.).." 01, 2016. Accessed 01, 2016.

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