This work was carried out to investigate the chemical properties of the water extract of zobo (Hibiscus sabdariffa) drink using the modern atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Zobo drink is a popular drink in the Nigeria, especially in the northern part of Nigeria. The result of the analysis indicated that the drink is high in vital mineral nutrients required for the healthy growth by humans and for the proper metabolic processes to be adequately maintained. Zobo drink is high, as indicated in the result, in iron – a major component of the human haemoglobin, when compared with other leaf like the popular vegetable leaf known as awa (Piper methysticum).
Title page
Approval page
Dedication page
List of tables
Table of contents
1.1 Suggestions for further research
1.2 Objective of study
Literature Review
2.0 Scientific Classification of roselle (hibiscus sabdariffa)
2.1 Effect on smooth muscle
2.2 Effect on blood pressure
2.3 Anticancer and antioxidant activity
2.4 Anticholesterol effects
2.5 Hibiscus sabdariffa plant profile
2.5.1 Constituents of hibiscus sabdariffa
2.5.2 Herbal medicine and plants
2.5.3 Medicinal benefits of hibiscus sabdariffa
2.6 Flavonoid contents of fruits and vegetables fruits
2.7 Preparation of ‘zobo’ made from Hibiscus sabdariffa
2.8 Characteristics of roselle.
2.9 Uses of roselle (hibiscus sabdariffa).
Materials and Methods
3.0 Materials
3.1 Extraction procedure/plant materials
3.1.1 Plant materials
3.1.2 Extract preparation
3.2 Atomic absorption spectrophotometric determination
3.3 Phytochemical Analysis
3.3.1 Preparation of reagents for phytochemical analysis
3.4 Acute toxicity study
Chapter Four:
4.0 Phytochemical analysis
4.1 Calcium
4.2 Magnesium
4.3 Sodium
4.4 Potassium
4.5 Manganese
4.6 Iron
4.7 Copper
4.8 Zinc
Discussion and Conclusion
5.1 Discussion
5.1 Conclussion
Appendix 1:Gallery of Hibiscus sabdariffa
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(2013, 11). Chemical/mineral Compositions Of Water Extracts Of Hibiscus Sabdariffa.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 11, 2013, from https://projectstoc.com/read/1852/chemical-mineral-compositions-of-water-extracts-of-hibiscus-sabdariffa
"Chemical/mineral Compositions Of Water Extracts Of Hibiscus Sabdariffa." ProjectStoc.com. 11 2013. 2013. 11 2013 <https://projectstoc.com/read/1852/chemical-mineral-compositions-of-water-extracts-of-hibiscus-sabdariffa>.
"Chemical/mineral Compositions Of Water Extracts Of Hibiscus Sabdariffa.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 11 2013. Web. 11 2013. <https://projectstoc.com/read/1852/chemical-mineral-compositions-of-water-extracts-of-hibiscus-sabdariffa>.
"Chemical/mineral Compositions Of Water Extracts Of Hibiscus Sabdariffa.." ProjectStoc.com. 11, 2013. Accessed 11, 2013. https://projectstoc.com/read/1852/chemical-mineral-compositions-of-water-extracts-of-hibiscus-sabdariffa.
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