Soymilk was processed from soymilk (Glycine Max) seed using that different processing techniques:
A Hot extraction method
B. Cold extraction method
C. Soaking before hot extraction method.
The soymilk samples were subjected to sensory evaluation using 9 point hedonic scale and proximate analysis.Result obtained showed that sample A was significantly different (P < 0.05) between sample B had a more acceptable colour (P < 0.05) than samples A and C this was no significant difference between sample A and C in terms of colour.
The general acceptability of the sample showed that all the samples were acceptable.
Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Content
1.1 History of Soybeans
1.2 Uses of Soybeans
1.3 Composition of Soybeans
1.4 Nutritional Quality of Soybeans
1.5 Antinutritional Factors
1.6 Trypsin Inhibitor
1.7 Haemagluttins
1.8 Soybeans Saponings
1.9 Protein Quality of Soubeans
1.10 Aims and Objectives
Literature Review
2.1 Milk from Soybeans
2.2 Nutritional Value of Soybeans
2.3 Essential Amino Acid Content of Soybeans
2.4 Undesirable Components of Soybeans
2.4.1 Trypsin Inhibitor
2.4.2 Clrease
2.4.3 Haemagluttuis
2.4.4 Gioterogens
2.4.5 Phytic acid
2.4.6 Bitter and Beeany Flavour
2.4.7 Flatus
2.4.8 Soymilk Flavour
2.4.9 Soymilk and Lipoxidase Activity
2.6.1 Nutritional Aspect of Soymilk
2.6.2 Proteins
2.6.3 Vitamins and Minerals
2.6.4 Fats
3.1 Materials
3.2 Methods I Hot Extraction Method
3.3 Method II Cold Extraction Method
3.4 Method III Soaking Before Hot Extraction Method
3.5 Method of Analysis
Result and Discussion
4.1 Effect of Soaking Time on the Organoptic Qualities of Soymilk
4.2 Effect of Soaking Time on the Protein Recovery and Total Solids
4.3 Effect of Blanching Time on the Organoleptic Qualities of Soymilk
4.4 Effect of Blanching Time on Protein Recovery and Total Solids
Conclusion and Recommendation
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(2013, 01). The Effects Of Different Processign Techniquies On The Organoleptic Quality Of Soymilk Processing And Storage.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 01, 2013, from https://projectstoc.com/read/663/the-effects-of-different-processign-techniquies-on-the-organoleptic-quality-of-soymilk-processing-and-storage
"The Effects Of Different Processign Techniquies On The Organoleptic Quality Of Soymilk Processing And Storage." ProjectStoc.com. 01 2013. 2013. 01 2013 <https://projectstoc.com/read/663/the-effects-of-different-processign-techniquies-on-the-organoleptic-quality-of-soymilk-processing-and-storage>.
"The Effects Of Different Processign Techniquies On The Organoleptic Quality Of Soymilk Processing And Storage.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 01 2013. Web. 01 2013. <https://projectstoc.com/read/663/the-effects-of-different-processign-techniquies-on-the-organoleptic-quality-of-soymilk-processing-and-storage>.
"The Effects Of Different Processign Techniquies On The Organoleptic Quality Of Soymilk Processing And Storage.." ProjectStoc.com. 01, 2013. Accessed 01, 2013. https://projectstoc.com/read/663/the-effects-of-different-processign-techniquies-on-the-organoleptic-quality-of-soymilk-processing-and-storage.
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