Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Information System For A Human Right Based Organisation

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The clamout for justice and rights of man is an age long affair.  Social crusaders, philosophers, non governmental organization (NGOs) and thinkers of various persuasions, have devoted most of their effects to the promotion of monitoring and re-affirmation of faith in fundamental human right in the dignity and worth of the human person in equal right of nations large and small, and in fundamentals freedoms for all without distraction as to religious crisis, terrorisms, civil war etc.

In Nigeria today, all of use belong to one family mankind.  Everyone is born free.  Each of us is entitled to have rights, freedom and duties of different kinds, not withstanding.  Each of its has as responsibility to acknowledge, respect, promote, and protect6 those fundamental rights and freedoms for all others as justice demands infact human beings are endored wit h the faculty of convince and inner sense of right and wrong.  Thus the need for justice is man’s quest for happiness and good harmonious living.  A human who is deprived of any of these fundamental need is faced to live a sub-human existence, hence this work is a web-site designed to outline the information on human rights and people’s right as well as the abuses of there right between government and the populace in Nigeria.  A case study of National Human Right Development Commission (NHRDC).

For the purpose of camp. Perception, this work is arranged in seven chapters.
Chapter one is all about the introduction on human right and different kind of right we have.
Chapter two received the literature that already exist about this topic “human right in Nigeria”.
Chapter three described the analyzed listing system and its information flow.
Chapter four after studying the old system a new system is designed to work hand – in – hand with the old system.
Chapter five is how this new system should be implemented.
Chapter six and chapter seven are the documentation recommendation and reference.

Title page ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Organization of work vii
Table of content viii

Introduction 1
1.1 Statement of problem 3
1.2 Purpose of study 3
1.3 Aims and objective of the study 4
1.4 Scope of the study 4
1.5 Construction and limitation 4
1.6 Assumption 5

2.0 Literature Review 6

3.0 description and analysis of existing system 9
3.1 facts finding method used 10
3.2 organizational structure 12
3.3 objective of the existing system 13
3.4 input process, output analysis 13
3.5 information flow diagram 14
3.6 problems of the existing system 14
3.7 justification of new system 15

4.0 design of new system 17
4.1 output specification and design 17
4.2 input specification and design 19
4.3 file design 21
4.4 procedure chart 22
4.5 system flowchart 23

5.1 Implementation 24
5.2 program flowchart 26
5.3 pseudo code 27

6.0 Documentation 28

7.0 Recommendations 30
7.1 Conclusion 30
7.2 Definition of terms 31
References 33

Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes


(2014, 11). Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Information System For A Human Right Based Organisation.. Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Information System For A Human Right Based Organisation." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Information System For A Human Right Based Organisation..", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Information System For A Human Right Based Organisation.." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.

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