The study was motivated by the necessity to establish what constitute policies in organization. Personnel policies are a preplanned course of action establishing a guide to work towards acceptable outcomes and objectives in organizational. Effective impacting of policies in a company motivation team work, this team work in organization enable the organization to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in the objective of organization. Sources of data include, primary and secondary data in which both relevant official and non official materials and publications regarding the subject matter were drawn. Data collected were analyzed using table and percentages. Tests were carried out on the hypothesis using chi-square method. The major research findings revealed that, personnel policies and organizational effectiveness affect the irregular promotion and performance in public organization. It also shows that delayed in development of human and working capital in organization are affected by organization policies.
Title Page i
Approval ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledge iv
Abstract v
Table of Content vi
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of Problems 6
1.3 Objectives of the Study 7
1.4 Research Questions 7
1.5 Significance of the Study 8
1.6 Delimitation/Scope of the Study 9
1.7 Limitation of the Study 10
1.8 Definition of Terms 12
2.0 The Conceptual Framework/Introduction 14
2.1 Review of Related Empirical Research 17
2.2 What is Personnel Management Policy 18
2.3 Evaluating Personnel Management that can lead to job satisfaction 21
2.4 Evaluating Employees Satisfaction 31
2.5 Results of Personnel Policies and Job Evaluation in an organization 41
3.1 Population of the Study 48
3.2 Determination of Sample Size 48
3.3 Method of Data Collection 50
3.4 Presentation of Data 51
3.5 Analysis of Data 54
4.1 Summary of Findings 61
4.2 Recommendations 62
4.3 Conclusion 62
References 64
The aim of any organization is to attain the set goals and objectives within a set of policies. This singular objective prompt organization to set up personnel policies to manage not only the business in the strict sense of it but to manage the employees through whom the job is done. The term personnel policy is a preplanned course of action establishing a guide to work towards acceptable outcomes and objectives. Personnel policies are the rules that govern how to deal with human resources or personnel related issues.
They are guidelines to decision making that help keep the organization as fair and unbiased as possible. They outline workers conduct within a broad framework that reflects the intentions and goals of top management.
Management is not limited to personnel department alone. It is a general term encompassing all those in leadership position in the organization managerial position from one level to another higher than the former.
This is only when the employee is satisfied with job he is doing. Job satisfaction therefore, suggest that the employer of labour has adequately motivated the employee who is now ready to work for the good and benefit of the organization so that targets, objectives are attained at minimal cost.
According to Aneke (2004), organization have work to be done, and workers needed work to do too, therefore the survival of any organization in a competitive environment is assured only. When the workers are more productive than the employees.
Aneke (2004) went further to say that job satisfaction is an effective orientation towards work roles on the part of the individual. It is the feelings that an employee has about his job. According to him, job satisfaction is influenced by making different factors and the determinants vary from one individual to another.
Employees attain job satisfaction when a conclusive, viable and enabling environment and personnel policy is attained. Job satisfaction is beneficial to the individual and to the organization. It affects the attitude and behavior of the employees.
Employee job dis-satisfaction on the other hand leads to lower output, absenteeism aparthy, grievances, labour unrest, constant excuses and other such defence mechanism that can cost the organization more at the end of the day.
The ability and willingness of top ranking officers (management) to formulate policies that will create, motivate and increase satisfaction of the workforce in their job, no doubt will create an environment for effective and efficient performance. Consequently, good personnel policies can make considerable contributions to the success of any human activities especially as its affects their behavior and attitude.
This study has therefore been necessitated by the fact that whereas some workers in an organization are happy, working round the clock and even prepared to put in extra hours not out of compulsion. Others are not happy with their job and so perform their duties in such a non-challant time consuming, painful and stressful manner. Infact, they work because there is nothing for them to do. Workers in oil companies for instance shell petroleum development Nigeria Limited (SPDL) will want to work round the clock while civil and public servants will resume for work late and close early.
Against this background, this study will try to analyse and examine some of the policies that give job satisfaction to the employees. Such policies like prompt payment of salaries, promotions when due, rotational postings, transfer and security safety need to mention but a few efforts will be made to examine the extent the administrators pursue these policies and administer them on their subordinates to get them working satisfactorily.
Do these personnel policies motivate the employees into putting in their best in the over-all interest of performing quality job? Or do they remain indifference in the performance of their job because of uncaring attitude of management towards the welfare of their employees.
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(2015, 05). Personnel Policies And Organizational Effectiveness: A Theoretical Discourse.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 05, 2015, from https://projectstoc.com/read/6181/personnel-policies-and-organizational-effectiveness-a-theoretical-discourse-5940
"Personnel Policies And Organizational Effectiveness: A Theoretical Discourse." ProjectStoc.com. 05 2015. 2015. 05 2015 <https://projectstoc.com/read/6181/personnel-policies-and-organizational-effectiveness-a-theoretical-discourse-5940>.
"Personnel Policies And Organizational Effectiveness: A Theoretical Discourse.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 05 2015. Web. 05 2015. <https://projectstoc.com/read/6181/personnel-policies-and-organizational-effectiveness-a-theoretical-discourse-5940>.
"Personnel Policies And Organizational Effectiveness: A Theoretical Discourse.." ProjectStoc.com. 05, 2015. Accessed 05, 2015. https://projectstoc.com/read/6181/personnel-policies-and-organizational-effectiveness-a-theoretical-discourse-5940.
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