The Causes Of Students Drop-outs In Oredo Local Government Area Of Edo State.

ProjectStoc - 53 pages 8612 words 1631 views Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level Educational Administration And Supervision ₦3000 Naira ($7.89 USD)

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The study examined the causes of student’s dropouts as perceived by teachers in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State of Nigeria. As a survey research, a sample of 194 teachers was taken for the study. The sample procedure was by the simple random sampling techniques. The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire while data collected were analyzed using percentage. The findings showed that student’s inability to comprehend, stubbornness, poverty of parents, negative attitudes of teachers, poor academic performance, early marriage and lacking of learning facilities contributes to student’s dropouts. Based on the findings, it was accordingly recommended that Government, NGO’S and schools should provide facilities and access to support, for struggling students so that the school becomes a place of interest rather than of aversion. Parents should find way of monitoring their children activities in schools with a view of checkmating any primary deviation and loss of interest in academic. Efforts should be made to educate parents and guardians on the need to stop early marriage especially the girl child. Periodic lecture and symposium on the value of education should be given to the students.

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(2015, 03). The Causes Of Students Drop-outs In Oredo Local Government Area Of Edo State... Retrieved 03, 2015, from
"The Causes Of Students Drop-outs In Oredo Local Government Area Of Edo State.." 03 2015. 2015. 03 2015 <>.
"The Causes Of Students Drop-outs In Oredo Local Government Area Of Edo State...", 03 2015. Web. 03 2015. <>.
"The Causes Of Students Drop-outs In Oredo Local Government Area Of Edo State..." 03, 2015. Accessed 03, 2015.

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