The study examined how education could proffer prominent solutions to the problems obstructing the progressive advancement of Nigeria economy politically, socially, economically, technologically and environmentally for the purpose of meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the needs of the future generation. To have proper comprehension of the study the opinion of notable literature were used. Terrific and practical recommendations were also used to provide sustainable and ideal solutions to the dilemma of development through education.
Keywords: Averting, Obstacles, Development, Education
The study examined how education could proffer prominent solutions to the problems obstructing the progressive advancement of Nigeria economy politically, socially, economically, technologically and environmentally for the purpose of meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the needs of the future generation. To have proper comprehension of the study the opinion of notable literature were used. Terrific and practical recommendations were also used to provide sustainable and ideal solutions to the dilemma of development through education.
Keywords: Averting, Obstacles, Development, Education
Development is the progressive unfolding of potentialities of a given reality. Development means a progressive advancement in a nation politically, economically, technologically, environmentally and socially.
Development involves improvement in human welfare, quality of life, social wellbeing. It is all about satisfying the population’s needs and wants. Without improvement in a nation’s growth, there cannot be development. Growth involves increase in total value of goods and services produced.
On other hand, Education is a systematic procedure for the transfer and transformation of culture, values, knowledge and skills through formal or informal training of people in a society. It deals with the mental, physical, psychological and social development of the citizens in a given society. Education refers to the acquisition and development of reasonable skills by an individual in order to be self-reliant and useful in the society. In National Policy on Education (2004), education was stated to have the following national objective:
1. A free and democratic society
2. A just and egalitarian society
3. A united, strong and self-reliance nation
4. A great and dynamic economy
5. A land of bright and full opportunities for all Citizens.
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(2015, 02). Averting The Obstacles To National Development Through Education.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 02, 2015, from https://projectstoc.com/read/6083/averting-the-obstacles-of-national-development-through-education-5966
"Averting The Obstacles To National Development Through Education." ProjectStoc.com. 02 2015. 2015. 02 2015 <https://projectstoc.com/read/6083/averting-the-obstacles-of-national-development-through-education-5966>.
"Averting The Obstacles To National Development Through Education.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 02 2015. Web. 02 2015. <https://projectstoc.com/read/6083/averting-the-obstacles-of-national-development-through-education-5966>.
"Averting The Obstacles To National Development Through Education.." ProjectStoc.com. 02, 2015. Accessed 02, 2015. https://projectstoc.com/read/6083/averting-the-obstacles-of-national-development-through-education-5966.
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