Financial Distress In Some Commercial Banks In Nigeria, Reasons, Issues, Consequences And Solution. (a Case Study Of Union Bank Nigeria Plc)

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A descriptive study was made about financial distress in some commercial banks using secondary statistics. This research work was designed to describe the financial distress in some commercial bank in Nigeria. Also the causative factor as it affects commercial banks with the limited area of study. Study also look at the following objectives such as nature and type of financial distress facing some commercial banks, banks involve in the distress, causes of distress, level of distress and to know if poor management also cause distress. The study also answers five (5) research questions. It was discovered that distress is caused as a result of poor management, insolvency loss asset base, inadequacy of capital etc. Therefore, recommendation such as: proper management, adequate funding, increased asset base provisions and adequate liquidity were made for the study. Also such research work should be done to other non-financial Banking institution and West African Country. 

The basic objective situation under this study was the valuation of financial distress in some commercial banks; reasons, issues, consequences and solutions. The study has been structured into five (5) chapters to make it easy for reading and understanding. Chapter one dealt with background of the study, the statement of problem, the objective of the study, the research question, the scope of study, the limitation of study, the significant, rational, definition of terms and assumption of the study base on the country’s economy. It also give an insight into the cause of financial distress in commercial banks and other financial institution. From this other chapters deserved that base from the chapter one in order to confirm the management of financial distress in Nigeria banks. The assessment to tackles financial distress, measure laxtant of distress in Nigeria. In view of the finding above, recommendation have been made to help tackle financial distress in some commercial Banks in Nigeria.

Title Page
Aproval Page
Table of Contents

1.0   Introduction
1.1.  Background of the Study
1.2.  Statement of the Problem
1.3.  Objective of the study
1.4.  Research Questions
1.5.  Scope of the Study
1.6. Limitation of the Study
1.7. Significant of the study
1.8. Definition of terms

2.0.  Literature Review
2.1.  Financial Distress
2.2.  Causes of Financial distress/Symptoms
2.3.  Managing distress in Nigeria Banks
2.4.  Assessment of the Resolution Framework in Nigeria and Problems
2.5.  Remedies/Resolution Option.

3.0.  Research Design and methodology.
3.1. Research Design.
3.2.  Area of Study
3.3.  Population for the Study
3.4.  Sample and Sampling technology
3.5.  Instrument for Data collection
3.6.  Method of Data presentation
3.7.  Method of Data analysis

4.1   Data presentation and analysis
4.2   Findings

5.0.  Summary of the finding, Recommendation and Conclusion
5.1.  Summary of findings
5.2.  Recommendation
5.3.  Conclusion
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(2014, 11). Financial Distress In Some Commercial Banks In Nigeria, Reasons, Issues, Consequences And Solution. (a Case Study Of Union Bank Nigeria Plc).. Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"Financial Distress In Some Commercial Banks In Nigeria, Reasons, Issues, Consequences And Solution. (a Case Study Of Union Bank Nigeria Plc)." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"Financial Distress In Some Commercial Banks In Nigeria, Reasons, Issues, Consequences And Solution. (a Case Study Of Union Bank Nigeria Plc)..", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"Financial Distress In Some Commercial Banks In Nigeria, Reasons, Issues, Consequences And Solution. (a Case Study Of Union Bank Nigeria Plc).." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.

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