The Problems Of Obtaining Bank Loans By Small-scale Industry From Nigeria Bank

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1.1 Introduction  
The author very conscious of the fact that responsibility for food lending rise with the banks and government and in the writing of this problem obtaining a banking loan by small scale industries from Nigeria banks which is intended to y-ray the difficulties encountered by bank customer in obtaining loan. I hope that have been able to alert the banks and government of this ugly situations which hampers general economic.
The content has been segmented into chapter and each chapter treating district aspect of bank loan all of then culmination to emphasis the importance of bank lending and why three should not be any obstruction to obtaining it. 
The book starts by first of all explaining the different types of bank lending and the types of banks involved so as to point out the different credit guide-time affecting each banks as regards its capacity to lend and to what extent. It is also worth while to mention that the general element of good lending are also incorporated at least to justify the banks and the government in some of their restrictive measures of lending.
Severed more banking services have been added to the chapters to elucidate the negative economic effect or low bank lending cum services. 
There is also included the appropriate recommendation and conclusion necessary to direct the lending sector towards the correct way of obtaining bank loans. 

 Title page 
Table of content 

Chapter one 
1.0 introduction 
1.1 the meaning of banking loan 
1.2 short term loan 
i. short term loan
ii. overdraft
1.3 medium term loan 
i. medium term loan
ii. long term loan 
1.4 project financing 
1.5 References 

Chapter two
2.1 practice of good banking lending 
2.2 principle of good bank lending 
2.3 Reference

Chapter three 
3.0 Research methodology 
3.1 introduction 
3.2 The source of data 
3.3 Location of data 
3.4 Methods of data presentation 
3.5 Presentation 

Chapter four 
4.1 Role of banks in economic development 
4.2 Role of bank in economic prospects.
4.3 Reference

Chapter five 
1.1 Recommendation and conclusion 

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(2014, 11). The Problems Of Obtaining Bank Loans By Small-scale Industry From Nigeria Bank.. Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"The Problems Of Obtaining Bank Loans By Small-scale Industry From Nigeria Bank." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"The Problems Of Obtaining Bank Loans By Small-scale Industry From Nigeria Bank..", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"The Problems Of Obtaining Bank Loans By Small-scale Industry From Nigeria Bank.." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.