This project is taking about the important of Ethics and Social responsibilities to a business organization.
Infact Ethics and Social responsibilities is very vital to every business organization and society as a whole. The modern business organization have realised the importance and are now making use of such importance to expand their business enterprise.
It is only the ignorant business organisations that still run away from ethics and social responsibilities. And such importance are continuous existence of business, more customers, profitability and better environment etc.
The critical concern of every society has been the ethical and social responsibilities of businessmen and their organisations. Each society strives to ensure that those who engage in any form of business are always moral in their daily activities. These two words are twin’s concept (Ethical and social responsibilities) that focuses on the moral conscience of business. The concept of ethical responsibility has to do with those issues and problems that are pertaining to business people’s loyalty to their organisations are as well as their customers. While social responsibility on the other hand concerns to the problems, interests and needs of the society of larger.
It is carryout the most obligations and duties of business to the society at large.
Therefore, it is of first interest that anybody or organization that engages in any form of business ranging from manufacturing to agriculture and soon should be ethical and socially responsible to the society and the environment where he exists and do business. This therefore means a solid foundation for continuous existence and customer’s relation, as well as a satisfied society.
The importance of ethical and social responsibility to business and organization is vital to a lot of areas in the organization and also to policy formulation and organisational objectives.
However, customers, the society and government don’t take it legally with the unethical business conduct and lack of social responsibility of business organization, it is seriously affecting them. This had lead to a lot of companies and organisations being short down and customers drain. Government now takes it seriously with business organisations namely out spillage, by oil companies, air pollution by manufacturing companies, water and noise pollution just to mention a few.
Therefore, business has to compeciate to find ways to prevent the above mentioned traits to likes and properties in the society.
Business have revised their ribs and duties to the society and are now living up to that responsibilities. But most business organisations have adopted this doctrines of social and ethical responsibilities to the general public as well as the society were the operate. This doctrines appeals to the consistence of business people to the intent that they might meet the expectations of those who are affected by their actions.
Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Contents
1.1 General Background to the Subject Matter
1.2 Problems Associated with Subject Matter
1.3 Problems that the study will be Concerted with
1.4 The importance of the Study to the Area
1.5 Definition of the Importance Terms
1.6 Reference
2.1 The Origin of the Subject Area
2.2 School of thoughts with Subject Area
2.3 School of Thought Relevant to Problem Study
2.4 Difference Method of Studying the Problems
2.5 Summary
2.6 Reference
3.1 Data Presentation Highlights of the Study
3.2 Analysis of the Data
3.3 Recommendation
3.4 Conclusion
3.5 Reference
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(2014, 11). The Importance Of Ethics And Social Responsibilities To A Business Organisation.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 11, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/4436/the-importance-of-ethics-and-social-responsibilities-to-a-business-organisation-5301
"The Importance Of Ethics And Social Responsibilities To A Business Organisation." ProjectStoc.com. 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/4436/the-importance-of-ethics-and-social-responsibilities-to-a-business-organisation-5301>.
"The Importance Of Ethics And Social Responsibilities To A Business Organisation.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/4436/the-importance-of-ethics-and-social-responsibilities-to-a-business-organisation-5301>.
"The Importance Of Ethics And Social Responsibilities To A Business Organisation.." ProjectStoc.com. 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/4436/the-importance-of-ethics-and-social-responsibilities-to-a-business-organisation-5301.
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