The Relevance Of Sales Promotion To Business Organizations

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The success of any business organization depends largely on consumer patronage. For any product or services of an organization to be suitable, it need to be communicated to the consumer. Not wit the product or services, are communicated to consumer, their existence cannot be  recognized, hence patronage may not be  realized. 

Organization promote their good and service to the market and to the  users of those product and service. They make  use of  a  variety of promotional method, such as advertising  personal selling publicity, of sales promotional  such promotional tool may be use by any types of organization, whether commercial or non profit making, to communicate to, and persuade a target recipient or potential consumers that  they  should avail them suit to the product or service on  offer. 

Furthermore, A study of marketing communication, is therefore relevant to different types of organization, promotional activities are  undertaking by commercial companies, trade association, government bodies, educational institutions, health advisory councils, political parties charities etc. it is an important area of  study for the  marketer, because  of the large financial investment (expenditure) made in promotional activities. The advertising industry, in particular is a large and important sector in any western economy. 

This industry is also showing signs of rapid growth in the lesser developed economies and in some socialist countries.
Modern marketing calls for modern firms to develop a good product, pricing it attractively and making it readily accessible to target consumer, this companies must design and create awareness about the existence, futures and forms how there will benefit the target market.

Sale promotion is one of the most important promotion tools in marketing of good and services, mutating communicate mix consist of the subject of marketing tools, that are primarily communicational in nature. They  are tools normally classify under  promotion, which is one of  the controllable variable (which can called the promo tools) the promotional variables  includes various  forms of advertising, packaging, sale presentation, sale aids, (cataloques, trading stams premiums,  free sample coupons) and publicity programme.

The writer found it important to start with this various definition of sales promotion offered by authors and writer as well. 
Spilled (1975: pg; 7) defined sales promotion as a function in marketing of providing inducement to buy. Offered for a limited period only. The time and place where the purchasing decision are made. Which are supplementary to synonymous to promotion generally, where infact, it is not as sales promotion covers so many personnel selling, then by enhancing their effectiveness, it could also be used to describe a special campaign term which involve the use of certain technique such as price reduction coupon, combination, offers etc.

These activities posit the characteristic of other promotion tools.
Defined sale promotion as, “Any direct inducement offering and  extra value or incentive to consumer in other to stimulate quick and immediately  purchases behaviour” those above definition in broad according to them necessary since may innovative techniques develop each year, necessary also  went on to list  tools as coupons, sampling premiums trade  stamps, context and sweepstakes. 

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(2014, 09). The Relevance Of Sales Promotion To Business Organizations.. Retrieved 09, 2014, from
"The Relevance Of Sales Promotion To Business Organizations." 09 2014. 2014. 09 2014 <>.
"The Relevance Of Sales Promotion To Business Organizations..", 09 2014. Web. 09 2014. <>.
"The Relevance Of Sales Promotion To Business Organizations.." 09, 2014. Accessed 09, 2014.

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