The Employment Creation Potentials Of Small Scale Business In Anocha Local Government Area, Anambra State

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Unemployment situation in Nigeria has regarded economic development and growth ever since 1981  after the declaration of Austeinsy measure. The evil effects of unemployment is a visions circle that cripples and economy.  
It is against this background that I was motivated to choose this topic to identify how small scale business can provide the necessary solution with particular reference to Aniocha geo political territory. 
I believe that unemployment is a major problem in Nigeria especially in Aniocha local government area and that this problem can only be solved by the establishment of small scale business. This study is embarked upon with qualitatively that employment potentials of small scale business is the necessary solution to our employment and economic malaise. 
The researcher while embarking on this study intends to make use of primary data through the use of questionnaire to be distributed to some selected small business operating in Aniocha. 

This data had been analysed using Test Hypothesis  to show  whether a relationship exist between increase in small scale business and employment in Aniocha local government area. 
Also secondary method of data collection through the use of information from small scale business in Aniocha area; and federal office of statistics would be employed with a view of showing the number of and increase in small scale industry and increase or decrease in unemployment in Aniocha. Besides, there are journals news papers and delivered papers would be examined as they relate to this topic. 
The analysis and testing of the data would suggest whether the null or alternative hypothesis would be accepted. The writer intend to draw an inference from the conclusion given by the result and on that basis recommend to the government, especially  Aniocha local government area, on what direction she is expected to follow and direct her policies, this is because this study is particularly significant to the locality. 


There is no doubt whatever that small scale and medium scale enterprises constitute the real public of a nations economy. And to say that the present and future economic advancement of this our great country (Nigeria) and Aniocha local government area (which is the topic of this study). Lies in the dynamism and growth of small scale business is not an overstatement. At least this is the unanimous is opinion of an economic conference at the instance of two bodies. 

A  - The Nigeria institute of social and economic research        
B - The National Association of small scale industries     (NASSI) and Riedrich Allber foundation held in Lagos in 1989. 

In other words, small scale business constitute a vital engine to economic growth   and development. Hwoever, the environment in which this sector operates in Nigeria is both challenging and rewarding it is challenging because it is fraught with the dangers of risks ensuring from having in the first place to invest money in small-scale business  in Nigeria and the problems of managing it in the country recessed economy. Nevertheless, this study shows that, there is, the smiling countenance of success should the small scale business be given dynamic leadership and be properly managed in the present economically recessive climate in the country. 
This introductory chapter will attempt to highlight the basic facts the reader should know about small scale business in Nigeria and Aniocha local government Area in general. 


Title page 
Table of contents 

1.0 Introduction 
1.2 Statement of problem k
1.3 Scope of the study 
1.4 Objective of the study 
1.5 Statement of hypothesis 
1.6 Significant of the study 
1.7 Limitation of the study 
1.8 Definition of terms 

2.0 Review of related literature 
2.1 The role of business in society 
2.2 The important of employment to national economic well being
2.3 The classification of employment into self employment and paid employment
2.4 Small scale business as a source of self employment and paid employment 
2.5 Aniocha L.G.A and employment in Nigeria 
3.0 Research Methodology 
3.1 Research design 
3.2 Population of study 
3.3 Sampling sign and design 
3.4  Method of analysis 

4.0 Data Presentation 
4.1 Data analysis 
4.2 Test of hypothesis 

5.0 Conclusion
5.1 Summary of findings 
5.2 Recommendations 
5.3 References 
5.4 Bibliography 
5.5 Appendix A
5.6 Appendix B  
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(2014, 11). The Employment Creation Potentials Of Small Scale Business In Anocha Local Government Area, Anambra State.. Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"The Employment Creation Potentials Of Small Scale Business In Anocha Local Government Area, Anambra State." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"The Employment Creation Potentials Of Small Scale Business In Anocha Local Government Area, Anambra State..", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"The Employment Creation Potentials Of Small Scale Business In Anocha Local Government Area, Anambra State.." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.

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