The Evaluation Of Internal Control System Of Nepa (a Case Study Of Enugu District)

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Background of Study
The statement on study auditing standards defined internal control as being not only internal check and internal audit but the whole system of controls, financial or otherwise, establishment by management in order to secure, as far as possible, the accuracy and reliability of the records run the business in an orderly manner and safeguard the company’s assets its objective being the prevention or early detection of fraud and errors.
One of the major factor believed to restrict efficient performance of most Nigeria public sector enterprise is un-serious approach towards accountability.  There is a great need to establish internal checks and auditing system as well as defining a control of financial  and management procedure so as to carry on the operations of the enterprise in a way as to guard against the possibility of not only fraudulent practices and financial necklessness but also enhance performance and public confidence the enterprises.
National electric power Authority (NEPA) is an important public enterprise in Nigeria established by decree No.24 of 1st April 1972, with the amalgamation of Electricity corporation of Nigeria (ECN) and Nigeria dams Authority (NDA).  NEPA was empowered to maintain an efficient, co-ordinates and economic system of electricity supply to all the nooks and cranny of the nation.
It’s operations especially it’s financial management and control system has been subject  of intense debate.  This is as a result some unsatisfactory performance as evidenced by near darkness all the time.
There is need to look at the internal control system in NEPA and it’s operational performances in the area of efficiency

Title page
Approved page
Table of contents
Chapter one
1.1 Background of study
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Purpose of study
1.4 Significant of study
1.5 Research question/hypothesis
1.6 Scope of study/limitations

Chapter two
Literature review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Types of internal control
2.3 Internal control in specific areas of a commercial enterprise
2.4 Objective of internal control
2.5 Some important aspect of internal control system
2.6 Segregation of power or duties
2.7 Physical control over asset and records
2.8 Independent checks on performance
2.9 Limitation and assumption on the effectiveness of internal control
1.0 Control environment and control procedure
1.1 Internal control questionnaire
1.2 Functions of internal control questionnaire
1.3 Brief history of electricity industry in Nigeria
1.4 National electric power authority (NEPA)

Chapter three
Research methodology
3.1 Population of study
3.2 Sample design
3.3 Source of data
3.4 Research instruments
3.5 Method of data analysis
3.6 Problems encountered in data collection process

Chapter four
Data presentation and
4.1 Questionnaire distribution and take of return
4.2 Analysis of data
4.3 Personal (oral) interview

Chapter five
Summary of findings conclusion and recommendations
5.1 Summary of findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations

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(2014, 10). The Evaluation Of Internal Control System Of Nepa (a Case Study Of Enugu District).. Retrieved 10, 2014, from
"The Evaluation Of Internal Control System Of Nepa (a Case Study Of Enugu District)." 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <>.
"The Evaluation Of Internal Control System Of Nepa (a Case Study Of Enugu District)..", 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <>.
"The Evaluation Of Internal Control System Of Nepa (a Case Study Of Enugu District).." 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014.