Training And Staff Development Opporunties In Union Bank (a Case Study Of Union Bank Plc

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Training is one of the ways to improve the talent up to date on what activities in the industry.  Importance of training cannot be over emphasized   human resource are of major asset of any organization and asset they need to be maintained and keep in proper shape to perform.
Training help to developed the individual knowledge skill and attitudes, which are directly related to the job.  It should be bring specific task requirements.  Training is a process by which the consistent change in behaviour in the trainee.  Staff bring mush improvement in union bank brings much improvement by the effective of all employees on the present positions and for preparing them for other future positions which they displayed potentials.

Training is important in the organization for benefit of achieving good aims and objective.  And also is a planned integrated purposeful and sequential training procedure used by organization to facilitate employed learning so that their resultant behaviour contributes to the attainment of the organization’s goals and objective.
The needs of training and staff development in union bank are leads to great efficient functioning of any enterprises or branches have been long recognized by schools.  Stakes and Sayles (1980) Troley W.R.(1974) Ubeku A.K (1975) to strakes and Sayles stated that “ the efficiency of an organization depends directly   on how well its staff are trained. To them new employees need some training before they take up their work other employees required training to keep alert to demands of their present jobs and to prepare them for transfers and promotions these scholars future stated that training motivates employee to works harder that employees who understand their jobs to see a closer relation between their effort and performance and management is confident enough for their abilities to invest in training provides an assurance that they are valued employees to the organization.

Willian Tracy on his part agued that in all dynamic societies technological and other factors that are affecting the labour market are changing jobs and the skills needed to perform then; that while some occupations are dying as a result of repaid technological break through speed up the process. In such dynamic societies when most jobs are constantly changing even trained   professional such as doctors and engineering take now course to examine the relevant change in their filed. 

Training centers for union bank PLC and others bank with commercial houses and private training consultancy organizations also contribute to training and development of employees in Nigeria.

Other deliberate policies being pursued by both the federal and state governments and the private   organization include the establishment on institution of learning such as the adversities/ colleges of education and polytechnics for reaching of relevant skills the provision of scholarships in services training study leave with or without pay and the release or employees from official duty to attend course of institution or workshops at home and abroad.
An industry as a limited liability financial institution with the ultimate objective of banking business cannot afford to neglect the training and staff development if it is to achieve this cardinal objective.

Title page
Approval page
Table of content 

1.1 General background of the subject matter.
1.2 Problem that the study will be concerned with
1.3 The importance of the study.
1.4 Definition of some important terms

2.1 The Origin and of the subject area.
2.2 School of though with in the subject area
2.3 The different school of though relevant to the problem of study
2.4 Different methods of studying the problem
2.5 Reference 

3.1 Data presentation 
3.2 Recommendation
3.3 Conclusion 
3.4 Reference.

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(2014, 10). Training And Staff Development Opporunties In Union Bank (a Case Study Of Union Bank Plc.. Retrieved 10, 2014, from
"Training And Staff Development Opporunties In Union Bank (a Case Study Of Union Bank Plc." 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <>.
"Training And Staff Development Opporunties In Union Bank (a Case Study Of Union Bank Plc..", 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <>.
"Training And Staff Development Opporunties In Union Bank (a Case Study Of Union Bank Plc.." 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014.