This paper analysed the contribution of small-scale business to National Economic Growth and Development in the Country. It also paid attention to the foundling of these enterprises.
Where as failure of the large-scale import department assembly to propel the country into a satisfactory course of industrialization necessitate the demagnification of strategy to embrace the promotion of small-scale enterprises achievement under the new strategy has not been adequate with expectations of the stated objectives which were economic growth and development through the mobilization of available local resources, employment generation and industrial dispersal as well as mitigation of rural urban migration. This paper identified this lack of list achievement with problems associated with severe lack of managerial and technical skills among Nigerian small-scale industrialists, inadequate of financial resources as well as infrastructural deficiencies.
Chapter one contains a general discussion of the contribution of small-scale business to economic growth and development as seen by different people. It went further to state the problem to be studied and why this study was carried out, the scope and limitation of the study and finally the proposition and the definition of terms.
A number of past related literature examined by other studies as it relates to the contribution of small-scale business in Nigeria are highlighted in chapter two.
Chapter three deals with the design of the study, the methods used in collecting relevant data. It also deals with way the questionnaires were distributed and the treatment of data, and statistical techniques used.
The data got from the research survey were analysed and interpreted. Also similar questions on both questionnaires were compared in chapter four.
Finally, the summary of findings conclusion in the research and recommendation made by the researcher are all in chapter five.
If small-scale business will put the recommendation on how to achieve economic growth and development to use, such as increasing availability of credit by raising interest rate ceiling and permitting a “spread” that makes it worthwhile for banks to lend to small-scale business or by increasing the number and range of investment etc. problems of small-scale business will be a thing of the past.
Title page
Approval page
1.1 Background to the study
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Need for the study
1.4 Purpose of study
1.5 Scope of the study
1.6 Limitation of the study
1.7 Hypothesis
1.8 Definition of terms
2.1 Nature and scope of small-scale business
2.2 Factors that effect small-scale business
2.3 The role of small-scale business in economic growth
2.4 Starting a small business
2.5 Government policies for promoting small-scale business
2.6 The economic imperative of small business development in Nigeria
2.7 Importance of small business enterprises
2.8 Advantages of small-scale business
2.9 Advantages of self employment
3.1 Design of the study/methodology
3.2 Population for the study
3.3 Development of research materials
3.4 Research procedure
3.5 Analysis of data
3.6 Statistical techniques.
4.1 Presentation, analysis and interpretation of data
4.2 Test of hypothesis
5.1 Summary of findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
5.4 Suggestion for further research
5.5 Bibliography
5.6 Appendix
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(2014, 11). Contribution Of Small-scale Business To National Economic Growth And Development (a Case Study Of Selected Bakeries In Enugu Urban).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 11, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/4838/contribution-of-small-scale-business-to-national-economic-growth-and-development-a-case-study-of-selected-bakeries-in-enugu-urban-5168
"Contribution Of Small-scale Business To National Economic Growth And Development (a Case Study Of Selected Bakeries In Enugu Urban)." ProjectStoc.com. 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/4838/contribution-of-small-scale-business-to-national-economic-growth-and-development-a-case-study-of-selected-bakeries-in-enugu-urban-5168>.
"Contribution Of Small-scale Business To National Economic Growth And Development (a Case Study Of Selected Bakeries In Enugu Urban).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/4838/contribution-of-small-scale-business-to-national-economic-growth-and-development-a-case-study-of-selected-bakeries-in-enugu-urban-5168>.
"Contribution Of Small-scale Business To National Economic Growth And Development (a Case Study Of Selected Bakeries In Enugu Urban).." ProjectStoc.com. 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/4838/contribution-of-small-scale-business-to-national-economic-growth-and-development-a-case-study-of-selected-bakeries-in-enugu-urban-5168.
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