The Impact Of Fuel Scarcity On Nigerian Economy (a Special Reference To Enugu Metropolis Area)

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Fuel is a form of energy, according to Longman English Dictionary, fuel is a form of energy use for production.  In that case, its scarcity will affect the living standard of the people in various ways.
1. It increase the cost of transportation
2. Social unrest
3. Electrical faults
4. The cost of food item and living
5. Adulteration of fuel
The effects of fuel scarcity in Enugu metropolis cannot be over emphasis for it is of the very player for all the economic attribute to move on.
There are causes of fuel scarcity 
1. Poor management
2. Lack of qualified personnel
3. Hoarding of fuel
4. Smuggling of fuel
5. Inconsistent and poor governmental response
All these draws a set back on the smooth running of fueling industry.  The industry is man by people who are unpatriotic, they emerged themselves in business activities that leads to scarcity of fuel so as to meet up with their own selfish end.  In most cases the facilities are miss handled by the people without properly looking into it to know if it capable to produce at a full capacity or not.

Title page
Approval page
Table of content

1.1 Introduction
1.2 General background of the subject matter
1.2 Problem associated with the subject matter
1.3 Problems that the study will be concerned with
1.4 The importance of studying the area
1.5 Definition of important terms
1.6 Reference

2.1 The origin of the subject area
2.2 Schools of thought within the subject area
2.3 The school of thought relevant to the problem of study
2.4 Different methods of studying the problem
2.5 Summary

3.0 Conclusion
3.1 Data presentation 
3.2 Analysis of the data
3.3 Recommendation
3.4 Conclusions


Just like water and air is important to the living human being for daily duties and a hitch – free survival, the importance of fuel to automobile cannot be over looked.  A typical situation is in the cases halts because of the fact that there is shortage of fuel.  The importance of fuels in this our developing and technically inclined economy is fast like the mixture of oil and salt as far as the economy forgets growth as one of its goals.  Fuel is used in a variety of activities ranging from production, mobility, cooking, electricity, supply, sources of foreign exchange, to mention but few, to this extend, one would accept that fuel plays a tremendous role in the live of every citizen of the country and the country as a whole. 
However, in recent times, there has been a rampant shortage in the availability of the commodity.  It is on this basis that the researcher intends to evaluate the causes and effects of fuel scarcity in the Nigeria economy, but shall concentrate on Enugu urban as a case study due to time and financial constraints.
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(2014, 11). The Impact Of Fuel Scarcity On Nigerian Economy (a Special Reference To Enugu Metropolis Area).. Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"The Impact Of Fuel Scarcity On Nigerian Economy (a Special Reference To Enugu Metropolis Area)." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"The Impact Of Fuel Scarcity On Nigerian Economy (a Special Reference To Enugu Metropolis Area)..", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"The Impact Of Fuel Scarcity On Nigerian Economy (a Special Reference To Enugu Metropolis Area).." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.

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