The Role Of Publci Relations In The Mainteance Of Industrial Harmony (a Case Study Of Enugu State

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The project is armed at finding out why the public in recent times feel dissatisfied will the  services rendered by Enugu state. This situation has in no small measure cost the state its image. 
The public has complained that the way they are being represented needs much to the way they of upward services, not having their issues at heart to a large extent  (as treatment be spoke that ) demind of not of certain privileges and a host of other problem.
To find out the cause or of the seemingly loss of face. Interviews were held will the public relations officer at the civil service, because this concerns his responsibility. He should know the true position of things within and outside the state. 
The public relation officer claimed that his rule includes making sure there is effective flow of information among the staff and line as well as to the extent public whom they serve. 
Interview as had all the senior principal personnel officer one who furnished me with the roles of his department which consists of the general welfare of the workers namely, making sue that workers receive their salaries promptly planning and exciting staff training programmes both in the state and outside. 
I had is scout around the service where I interviewed a good number of works who tried me what  problem they been encountering in Enugu state, irregularities  in allowances without any explanation that should show that the state has their interest at heart, training that constitution of the civil service supports to b the privilege to with allowance that will take care of it. I had to observe their continence  as they relate their encounters.            
I saw the need to issue questionnaire to a number of workers to ascertain among other things how affective the communication in the service has been.
Having received the completed questionnaires I analyzed the responses  of the workers and then gave recommendation is to state on how to ensure better flow of information as well as how to improve their performance so that the public be happy with their service.  

Title  page 
Table of Contents 

Research Design and Methodology

Enugu state and its Publics 
Analysis of data (Sub Heading)

Conclusions and Recommendation
Notes and References

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(2014, 10). The Role Of Publci Relations In The Mainteance Of Industrial Harmony (a Case Study Of Enugu State.. Retrieved 10, 2014, from
"The Role Of Publci Relations In The Mainteance Of Industrial Harmony (a Case Study Of Enugu State." 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <>.
"The Role Of Publci Relations In The Mainteance Of Industrial Harmony (a Case Study Of Enugu State..", 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <>.
"The Role Of Publci Relations In The Mainteance Of Industrial Harmony (a Case Study Of Enugu State.." 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014.

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