This project is an attempt to examine the study of managing industrial disputes in higher institution with particular reference to Enugu state university of science and technology (ESUT) Enugu. And to suggest ways by which the management of higher institutions in Enugu State will follow to manage the disputes efficiently and effectively.
Chapter one consists of the general introduction of the research topic statement of the problems objectives of the research topic scope of the study significance of the study statement of the hypothesis to be tested or research questions and definition of terms.
Chapter two is the review of related and relevant literature and is treated under such topic as meaning of industrial dispute meaning of industrial relation types of dispute effect of industrial disputes in institutions of higher learning procedures for settling disputes and factors responsible for industrial disputes in higher institutions.
Chapter three deals with research methodology it is treated under the following topic sources of data collection for the study research population sample and sampling techniques used instrument and method of data collection.
Chapter four states the analysis presentation and interpretation of data collected through the percentage analysis and test of hypothesis
Finally chapter five is interpretation of results summary of findings recommendation conclusion and limitation of the study
In the formation of the nation industrial policy the federal government was influenced by the country’s social and economic conditions and the standard set by the international labour organization (ILO) and Nigeria is a member.
In Nigeria trade union service and industrial relations department under the federal ministry of labour and productivity are primary responsible for the promotion and maintenance of industrial peace and harmony in all the trade disputes which (ie. Employers and employee or union members) have failed to settle through internal machinery designed to reach amicable settlement of disputes.
Despite the existence of these two departments industrial crises involving a total number of 1,327 trade disputes were handled with the past seven-year resulting in 813 strikes and lockout. Only 821 of the disputes were settle through intervention and conciliation out of 1,327 while 307 were referred to industrial Arbitration panel (IAP) and national industrial court settled 205 of such disputes.
With these industrial relation could be defined as the network social relationship between the employees and their employers and their associations and government and their numerous agencies in their attempts to replete terms and condition of employment and perform other functions that directly or indirectly concern the initiation and sustenance of peaceful and purposeful labour management relations which involve applying machinery dealing with complaints grievance and disputes in an organization.
Arnistrony E (1980) sees industrial relations as the inter-twining activities of the workers management and government for better working conditions
Meanwhile the upsurge in strike and industrial tension could be blamed on the suspicious issue between employers and workers as well as intra-union crisis. In a bid to maximize their standard of living which often eroded by inflation working demand higher pay and better working condition of service while employer resist such requests because they fear it might reduce their profits. This refusal may result to strike or industrial conflict.
In the public sector government resisted it because of unavailability of funds and the likely economic consequences
The causes of these inter or intra union disputes may be traced to communication gap between the official and member alleged misappropriation of funds or embezzlement of union funds arbitrary dismissal of national officers by the union refusal to call national delegates conference as and when due.
In recent years trade disputes especially those of intra and inert union cases have resulted in litigations in the law court. Some disputes had led to the institutions of more than 30 court cases involving different trade union. It has become the order of the day among trade union leaders to take the intra and inter union disputes to civil courts rather than use settlement machinery provided fro them under the trade disputes act of 1976 (Amendment decree)
The Nigeria labour compress (NLC) is the umbrella organizations for all the trade union in the country was created by the trade union decree of 1978 by which the government organized the country’s labour force into 42 trade union. The decree set out how the law will be how to appoint the officers who is qualified for membership and requirement that each union much file an annual statement of account with the registrar of trade unions in the federal ministry of labour and productivity. The industrial relations decree of 1976 sets out the details of low disputes between the employer and employees union are to be settled. Employers and employees union are required to attempt internal settlement through joint consultation and collective bargaining. Where this fails there is provision for the declaration of formal trade dispute and for the matter declaration of refereed to the ministry of labour and productivity? Or where the internal mechanism of conflict resolution fails the external mechanisms of conflict resolution will start. Mediation is the first panel. The trade. Dispute act makes it mandatory for employers and unions to meet within seven (7) days after the dispute must have been declared either by themselves or their representatives under the chairmanship of a mediator mutually agreed upon and appointed by one or both of the parties with a view to an amicable settlement of the dispute. The mediator must be seen to be impartial by the parties and not to impose his decision on any of the parties.
Where the mediator fails the parties will report productivity (FMELP) within fourteen (14) days. The ministry will appoint a conciliator for the purpose of solving the conflict. The conciliator shall inquire into the cause and the circumstance of the dispute. If settlement is reached within 14 days he shall forward a memoradun of the terms of the settlement duly signed by the parties involved to the minister but if he fails he will within another 14 days refer the case to arbitration.
The industrial Arbitration panel (IAP) marks the beginning of the judicial processes for resolving disputes. The dispute much to refereed to them within 62days after it started IAP was created in 1969 and it settles disputes that cannot be handled through mediation and conciliation the IAP are given 42 days to settle he dispute. They should refer it to national industrial court (NIC) if there is no improvement. NIC are given 22 days to refer it to the ministers if there is no settlement.
Section 23 of trade dispute act empower the minister of labour to set up a board of injuring and investigation to injure and investigate disputes and employment problems.
Meanwhile trade disputes decree No 7 of 1976 requires parties to a dispute to make use of collective bargaining machinery existing in the organization in he first instance.
In the past ten years the history of industrial relations in our institution of higher learning is marked by incessant industrial actions. The first was in July 1988 when academic staff union of Nigeria universities (ASUU) embarked on a strike action against their employers the national universities commission/ federal ministry of education and their individual universities.
In Enugu State higher institutions of learning have experience as many periods of industrial unread. Trade disputes are often declared by the trade union in these institutions. The main ones are the academic staff union of universities (ASUU) senior staff association of universities etc. Trade disputes are declared against the institution authorities some of the dispute have been successfully resolved through internal negotiations, while others have been resolved through mediation and conciliation by a third party in an amicable procedures
Title page
Approval page
Table content
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of study.
1.2 Statements of problem.
1.3 Objective of the study.
1.4 Research questions
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Scope of the study
1.7 Definition of terms
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Meaning of industrial dispute
2.2 Meaning of industrial relation
2.3 Types of disputes
2.4 Effect of industrial disputes institution of higher leaning
2.5 Procedure for settling disputes
2.6 Factors responsible for industrial disputed in reference
3.0 Research design and methodology
3.1 Sources of data
3.2 Researches population
3.3 Sample and sampling technique
3.4 Instrument
3.5 Method pf data collection
4.1 Data presentation and analysis
5.0 Interpretation of result finding recommendation and conclusion
5.1 Interpretation of result
5.2 Summary of finding
5.3 Recommendation
5.4 Conclusion
5.5 Limitation
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(2014, 11). Managing Industrial Disputes In Higher Institutions In Enugu State (a Case Study Of Enugu State University Of Science And Technology (esut) Enugu).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 11, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/4954/managing-industrial-disputes-in-higher-institutions-in-enugu-state-a-case-study-of-enugu-state-university-of-science-and-technology-esut-enugu-2476
"Managing Industrial Disputes In Higher Institutions In Enugu State (a Case Study Of Enugu State University Of Science And Technology (esut) Enugu)." ProjectStoc.com. 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/4954/managing-industrial-disputes-in-higher-institutions-in-enugu-state-a-case-study-of-enugu-state-university-of-science-and-technology-esut-enugu-2476>.
"Managing Industrial Disputes In Higher Institutions In Enugu State (a Case Study Of Enugu State University Of Science And Technology (esut) Enugu).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/4954/managing-industrial-disputes-in-higher-institutions-in-enugu-state-a-case-study-of-enugu-state-university-of-science-and-technology-esut-enugu-2476>.
"Managing Industrial Disputes In Higher Institutions In Enugu State (a Case Study Of Enugu State University Of Science And Technology (esut) Enugu).." ProjectStoc.com. 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/4954/managing-industrial-disputes-in-higher-institutions-in-enugu-state-a-case-study-of-enugu-state-university-of-science-and-technology-esut-enugu-2476.
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