This work was on the Promotional Strategies for the marketing of \educational Services in Enugu. (A case study of (ESUT) Enugu State University of Science and Technology
Title page
Table of content
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Scope of the Study
1.7 Definition of Terms
2.1 Use of Out Reach/Satelite Campuses
2.2 personnal Selling And ESUT
2.3 publicity And Educational Institutions
3.1 introduction
3.2 area Coverage of the Study
3.2.1 Sources of Data
3.2.2 Secondary Sources of Data
3.2.3 Population of the Study
3.3 Determination of Sample Size
3.3.1 Sample Size for Staff
3.4 Method of Data Analysis
3.5 Selections And Construction of Research Instrument
3.6 Administration of Questionnaire
4.1 Presentation and analysis of data
4.2 Test of Hypothesis
5.1 Summary and Findings
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Conclusion
The establishment of business including non-profit
organization and educational service requires that the firm make key decision.
This decision effects the total marketing programmes of the firm simply put the marketing strategy. However, one vital area of such decision which demand proper attention is the promotional strategies educational institution must initiate promotional policies and programmes to inform persuade, and educate it’s target audience of the existence of the organization and their services. Although creation of demand for a firms product services may be the ultimate objective.
The firms must put in place a set of activities aimed at stimulating demand for the services. This may involve determining the optimal combination of the promotional mix, advertising, sale promotion, personal selling, publicity, public relation, direct marketing and packaging to achieve its promotional objectives. The optimal blend is a function of the promotional resources, nature of the product just to mention but a few.
Adirika, Ebue and Nnolim (1996:35) see promotion as the component used by the organization to inform, educate, and persuade the market regarding their companies offerings, advertising personal selling, sales promotion, publicity and public relation and the major variable of promotion.
Promotion is a vital ingredient of survival and development without adequate promotion, product may not sold where they sell, their continuality is not in doubt.
The art and science of marketing promotion, which comprises of advertising personal selling sales promotion public relation and direct marketing is often associated with glamour and flamboyance.
Infact, most of the budget of some companies is spent on promotion because of the need to service in the competitive marketing environment (Oppo.J. (1972:201) confirm that the promotional tools to serve as supreme vehicle in competition and provide the only way a market researcher can hope to penetrate on established market. He went further to state that for a company must value the importance of promotion, educational institution engages in promotional activities in order to increase patronage.
With the proliferation of educational institution in Enugu State, there is the need to appraise the promotional strategies used by the educational institution in facing competition in the industry which is becoming keener everyday.
Manufacturers and producers of good and service including tertiary are now aware that promotion does not only inform and persuade but can strive towards profit making through increased sales. It is in this light of this importance attached to promotions these researcher seeks to look at promotional strategies the marketing of educational services with particular interest on ESUT operation in Enugu Metropolis.
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(2014, 10). Promotion Strategies For The Marketing Of Educational Services In Enugu (a Case Study Of (esut) Enugu State University Of Science And Technology)... ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 10, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/3491/promotion-strategies-for-the-marketing-of-educational-services-in-enugu-a-case-study-of-esut-enugu-state-university-of-science-and-technology-9920
"Promotion Strategies For The Marketing Of Educational Services In Enugu (a Case Study Of (esut) Enugu State University Of Science And Technology).." ProjectStoc.com. 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/3491/promotion-strategies-for-the-marketing-of-educational-services-in-enugu-a-case-study-of-esut-enugu-state-university-of-science-and-technology-9920>.
"Promotion Strategies For The Marketing Of Educational Services In Enugu (a Case Study Of (esut) Enugu State University Of Science And Technology)..." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/3491/promotion-strategies-for-the-marketing-of-educational-services-in-enugu-a-case-study-of-esut-enugu-state-university-of-science-and-technology-9920>.
"Promotion Strategies For The Marketing Of Educational Services In Enugu (a Case Study Of (esut) Enugu State University Of Science And Technology)..." ProjectStoc.com. 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/3491/promotion-strategies-for-the-marketing-of-educational-services-in-enugu-a-case-study-of-esut-enugu-state-university-of-science-and-technology-9920.
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