The topic treated in this project is “The Effects of sales forces motivation on productivity. A case study of Emenite Company Limited Emene, Enugu State.
This topic is very vast and one cannot claim to have treated all the aspects of the literature covered the topic within this skeletal outfit. It attempts to identify the various census of low sales force productivity in Nigeria. It also attempt to identify the various measures adopted by the company in motivating their sales force and to established the relevance or otherwise of the measures. The aim is to ensure that only measures relevant to sales force productivity in Nigeria are adopted. This is to ensure cost effectiveness.
METHODOLOGY: The method adopted in this case study is the case study method. Consequently a typical sales territory (Emenite Ltd- a manufacturing company) was selected for the study.
The research instrument used include self administered questionnaire, and oral interviews. Analytical techniques comprising of simple tables, percentages and Chi Square were also used. The target population were management and relevant staffs, customers and distributors in the selected company.
Findings and conclusion:
The study found that sales men encounter varying problems, which range from ordinary sales related problems in such areas as prospecting, presentation, objection handling and so on, to management problem such as arbitrary increase in prices. From other department which render vital complementary and ancillary service to the sales department such as delivery and maintenance services.
It was also observed that low educational qualification of most sales force adversely on productivity.
It was also observed that training, incentives pay schemes and management assistance in solving sales related problems act as motivators to sales people.
It was observed also that allowing salesmen participate in setting standards is among relevant ways of controlling the sales force.
In conclusion, adequate motivation is seen as necessary for an enhanced sales force productivity.
Title Page
Approval Page
1.1Background to the study
1.2Statement of the problem
1.3Objectives of the study
1.4Research Hypothesis
1.5Significant of the study
1.6 Scope of the study
1.7Definition of Terms
2.1Definition and theories of motivation
2.2Overview of Sales force
2.3Overview of productivity
2.4Formulating company strategies
2.5Sales force objective and tasks
2.6Sales force Training
2.7Compensation and motivation of sales force
2.8The Benefits of motivating sales force
2.9Performance Evaluation and supervision.
3.1Sources of data
3.2Population of the study
3.3Determination of sample size
3.4Research Techniques
3.5Research instruments used
3.6Method of data analysis
3.7Limitations of study
4.1 Presentation and Analysis of data
4.2Test of Hypothesis
5.1Summary of finds
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(2012, 11). The Effect Of Sales Force Motivation On Productivity A Case Study Of Emenite Company Enugu.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 11, 2012, from https://projectstoc.com/read/247/the-effect-of-sales-force-motivation-on-productivity-a-case-study-of-emenite-company-enugu
"The Effect Of Sales Force Motivation On Productivity A Case Study Of Emenite Company Enugu." ProjectStoc.com. 11 2012. 2012. 11 2012 <https://projectstoc.com/read/247/the-effect-of-sales-force-motivation-on-productivity-a-case-study-of-emenite-company-enugu>.
"The Effect Of Sales Force Motivation On Productivity A Case Study Of Emenite Company Enugu.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 11 2012. Web. 11 2012. <https://projectstoc.com/read/247/the-effect-of-sales-force-motivation-on-productivity-a-case-study-of-emenite-company-enugu>.
"The Effect Of Sales Force Motivation On Productivity A Case Study Of Emenite Company Enugu.." ProjectStoc.com. 11, 2012. Accessed 11, 2012. https://projectstoc.com/read/247/the-effect-of-sales-force-motivation-on-productivity-a-case-study-of-emenite-company-enugu.
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