Road Transportation was viewed by the researcher as a sine qua non in the economy whether developed or developing. Road transportation is seen as the engine of an economy. It links producers, suppliers, consumers and commuters. But poor, ineffective and inefficient road transportation system have crippled development and the collapse of many economic and social activities which have resulted in dissatisfaction among the customers in the industry. This is characterized by poor management that has resulted in the loss of life and property including damages worth unquantifiable amount of money. The researcher used primary and secondary sources and methods of data collection in the study. The researcher presented the data in tables and used simple percentages to analyze the data obtained. The findings of the research among others were that road transportation is very essential for the movement of goods and people. Inefficient roads all over the country make commuters uncomfortable. Lack of maintenance culture by drivers always result in breaking down of vehicles and poor services rendered to customers causes dissatisfaction. The researcher recommended that good roads must be put in place to address the situation. Regular maintenance of vehicles and roads and provision of quality customer services that will satisfy the commuters who constantly use the roads and vehicles for their economic activities. Drivers who operate vehicles through the use of road can be improved by;
1. Regular workshop for them on the use of roads.
2. Motivational provision such as allowances for accident free driving in a period of time
3. Other allowances for vehicle maintenance, provision of uniform and bonuses especially during feast days like Christmas are also recommended as incentives and motivational tools.
4. Preferencial system of payment..
Title page
Certification page
Table of contents
List of table
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
1. Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objectives/purpose of the study
1.4 Research question/hypothesis
1.5 Significant of the study
1.6 Scope of the study
1.7 Limitation of the study
1.8 Definition of special terms
CHAPTER TWO: Review of the Related Literature
2.1 Theoretical framework
2.2 Historical background
2.3 Current literature on theories postulated above
CHAPTER THREE: Research Design and Methodology
3.1 Research design
3.2 Sources of data
3.2.1 Primary source of data
3.2.2 Secondary source of data
3.3 The population of the study
3.4 Determination of sample size
3.5 Methods of data collection
3.5.1 Questionnaire design, distribution and collection of responses
3.6 Methods of data presentation and analysis
CHAPTER FOUR: Data Presentation and Analysis
Data presentation
Demographic characteristics
CHAPTER FIVE: Summary of Findings, Recommendation Conclusion
5.1 Summary of findings
5.3 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendation
Table 4.1.1 Distribution and retrieval of Questionnaire
Table 4.1.2 Sex distribution of respondents
Table 4.1.3 Age distribution of respondents
Table 4.1.4 Distribution of respondents by marital status
Table 4.1.5 Distribution of respondents by academic qualification
Table 4.1.6 Distribution of respondents on duration of patronage
Table 4.1.7 Distribution of respondents on the relationship between management and customers
Table 4.1.8 Distribution of respondents on assessment of the management
Table 4.1.9 Distribution of respondents on assessment of the drivers
Table 4.1.10 Distribution of respondents on the goal of the company
Table 4.2.0 Distribution of respondents on assessment of the vehicle they have entered or traveled with
Table 4.2.1 Distribution of respondents on whether drivers travel with manifest
Table 4.2.2 Distribution of respondents on what they say about the services being given or received from Peace Mass Transit
Table 4.2.3 Distribution of respondents on having opportunity to patronize somewhere else
Table 4.2.4 Distribution of respondents on their opinion of the problem facing the enterprise
Table 4.2.5 Distribution of respondents on whether Peace Mass Transit has well trained and efficient staff
Table 4.2.6 Distribution of respondents on the role of transportation management
Table 4.2.7 Distribution of respondents on whether transportation company has adequate modern technology
Road Transportation is a necessary end right from early history. The mobility of people and materials especially in the present days become one of the greatest needs that have to be adequately satisfied on our society and economy at large.
Transportation is referred to as the engine of the economy (Kunri 2005:79). This means that with out transportation management system, the entire economy will suffer stagnation. Transportation helps to bridge the gap between producers, suppliers and industrials users as well as individual commuters.
Research has shown that transportation alone account for about 46% of the total physical distribution costs for manufacturing companies and 28 % for reseller companies
It is important to note that not much success can be accomplish in manufacturing, distribution of goods and services including the movement of people without transportation.
It is as a result of the great importance attached to transportation that man has over the years developed various transportation modes in other to facilitate the movement of people and materials. The mode of transportation selected will greatly depend on price, time, delivery, condition and destination, customer’s patronage, and past purchase satisfaction.
This poor transportation management can therefore jeopardize the source of procurement of materials; goods and services, movement or people and even course increase in prices and loss of lives.
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(2014, 07). An Evaluation Of Customers Satisfaction In The Road Transport Industry.. Retrieved 07, 2014, from
"An Evaluation Of Customers Satisfaction In The Road Transport Industry." 07 2014. 2014. 07 2014 <>.
"An Evaluation Of Customers Satisfaction In The Road Transport Industry..", 07 2014. Web. 07 2014. <>.
"An Evaluation Of Customers Satisfaction In The Road Transport Industry.." 07, 2014. Accessed 07, 2014.
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