Characteristics Of Women Entrepreneurs

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Work is an essential aspect of life. People work to live and to live is to work. To the psychologist, work is an important source of identity, self-esteem, and self-actualization, which provides a sense of fulfillment by affording the individual worker a sense of purpose and projecting his or her values to the society (Babalola, 1998). Work can also be a source of frustration, boredom, and can at times bring feelings of meaninglessness, depending on the character of the individual and the nature of the task (Arnold, Cooper & Robertson, 1995). 

Onah (1994) has recognized two components of the work force; the formal and the informal. The formal work sector is sometimes referred to as the “organized” sector. It is a work organization with a set of goals and aspirations involving bureaucratic procedures with complex organizational structures in which there are routine, predictable tasks. The informal work sector is concerned with economic activities that are unregulated and without any formal mode of operation beyond the dictates of market forces. Self-employed workers are classified as being in the informal work sector; they may work in their homes or market stalls or their businesses may be well established (in terms of fixed public place of business and assets) (Babalola, 1998).

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(2014, 04). Characteristics Of Women Entrepreneurs.. Retrieved 04, 2014, from
"Characteristics Of Women Entrepreneurs." 04 2014. 2014. 04 2014 <>.
"Characteristics Of Women Entrepreneurs..", 04 2014. Web. 04 2014. <>.
"Characteristics Of Women Entrepreneurs.." 04, 2014. Accessed 04, 2014.

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