When it comes to construction projects, landscaping work, and gardening, you need the right kind of equipment to finish tasks speedily and easily. One piece of equipment you would need is a motorised wheelbarrow. This is intended to carry bulky materials and heavy loads. There are a lot of equipments that can be used these days for projects that involve heavy work. It would be an advantage to utilize motorized equipment in order for you to do tasks efficiently. With these tools, it will be easier and faster to accomplish your work. The equipment is easy to operate as you only need to steer it anywhere you want.
Wheelbarrow is a simple machine, which belong to the second-class lever. This is because the load or resistance is placed between the effort and the fulcrum. It is used in many areas of work to convey loads that are too heavy or bulky to be carried by hand. Wheelbarrow can be used as farm equipment, industrial equipment among others. However, the efficiency of the wheelbarrow depends on the materials used for the construction. A wrong choice of these materials can reduce the efficiency and the life span of the machine.
Although no machine can operated with 100 percent efficiency because the friction of its parts always use up some of the energy that is being supplied to the machine. But friction can be decreased by oiling any sliding or rotating parts. Moreover, depending on the type/size of machine to be constructed, the materials are reduced to smaller and more convenient sizes. The shapes and forms are changed by the following constructional operations, marking out, cutting, drilling, filling, recurring, taping broaching, folding/bending, welding, surface coating etc.
Most of these operations may be carried out by use of manual or mechanized processes depending on the size of the workshop.
In conclusion, a fixed amount of load was placed on the wheelbarrow to determine the efficiency and the effort required to lift the load. And according to the result gotten, the machine is highly efficient and required a very small effort to move objects many times their own size.
Title page
Table of contents
-Mechanical Advantage
Simple Machines
The Lever Machine
Classes of Levers
First Class Levers
Second Class Levers
Third Class Levers
Compound Levers
Literature Review
Science of Materials
Electronic Motor used in Wheelbarrow Construction
Motor Supply
Motor Control
Major Categories
Performance Parameters on Electric Motors used in WheelBarrow Construction
Continous Torque Density
Continous Power Density
Properties of Materials of Construction
Materials for Construction of a Standard Motorised Wheel Barrow
Alloy Designation
General Alloy Characteristics
Material Selection
Component Parts Description
Basic Machine Tools Operations
Metal Removal
Metal Forming Operations
Construction Method
Upper/ Top View
Lower Parts/ Underneath View
Side View
Calculation/ Cost Evaluation
Cost Evaluation
Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes
(2014, 01). Design And Construction Of A Motorised Wheel Barrow.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 01, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/1939/design-and-construction-of-a-motorised-wheel-barrow
"Design And Construction Of A Motorised Wheel Barrow." ProjectStoc.com. 01 2014. 2014. 01 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/1939/design-and-construction-of-a-motorised-wheel-barrow>.
"Design And Construction Of A Motorised Wheel Barrow.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 01 2014. Web. 01 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/1939/design-and-construction-of-a-motorised-wheel-barrow>.
"Design And Construction Of A Motorised Wheel Barrow.." ProjectStoc.com. 01, 2014. Accessed 01, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/1939/design-and-construction-of-a-motorised-wheel-barrow.
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