This project was borne out of the necessity to address the inherent possible encountered by the employee and staff of MALUM organization. And how to implement a new design to the old existing system. Based on the modern improvement of employee clocking system.
This computerization employee clocking system will make employee boast their productivity and increase the organization record and increase the organization record and the time of employees activities.
The study is divided into seven chapters. Chapter one deals with the introduction of the study, the statement of the problem, purpose of the study, aim & objectives of this project, the scope, limitations, assumptions and definition of relevant terms.
The review of related literature was discussed in chapter two.
Chapter three deals with the description and analysis of the existing system, fact finding method used, organizational structure, objective of the existing system, input, process and output analysis, information flow diagrams, the problems of the existing system and justification for the new system.
The system design and the output specification, input specification and design, procedure client, system flow file design, procedure chart, system flow chart and system requirement formed the core of chapter four.
Chapter five deals with the implementation of the design system, purpose design, program chart and test run.
The program modules, user guide and documentation exercise was fully expressed in chapter six.
Chapter seven deals with recommendation and conclusion, bibliography.
Cover page
Title page
Organization of the work
Table of contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Purpose of study
1.4 Scope of study
1.5 Limitations
1.6 Assumption
1.7 Definition of terms
2.0 Literature review
3.0 Description and analysis of the existing system
3.1 General description of the existing system
3.2 Method of fact finding used
3.3 Organizational structure
3.4 Objectives of the existing system
3.5 Input, process and output analysis
3.6 Information slow diagram
3.7 Problem of the existing system
3.8 Justification for the new system
4.0 Design of the new system
4.1 Output specification and design
4.2 Input specification and design
4.3 File system
4.4 Procedure chart
4.5 System flowchart
4.6 System requirements
5.0 Implementation
5.1 Program design
5.2 Pseudoes
5.3 Sources programs
5.4 Test run
6.0 Documentation
6.1 System documentation
6.2 Program documentation
6.3 User documentation
7.0 Conclusion and recommendation
7.1 Conclusion
7.2 Recommendation
Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes
(2013, 04). Design And Implementation Computerized Employee Clocking System (a Case Study Of Marlun Construction Company Enugu).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 04, 2013, from https://projectstoc.com/read/1293/design-and-implementation-computerized-employee-clocking-system-a-case-study-of-marlun-construction-company-enugu
"Design And Implementation Computerized Employee Clocking System (a Case Study Of Marlun Construction Company Enugu)." ProjectStoc.com. 04 2013. 2013. 04 2013 <https://projectstoc.com/read/1293/design-and-implementation-computerized-employee-clocking-system-a-case-study-of-marlun-construction-company-enugu>.
"Design And Implementation Computerized Employee Clocking System (a Case Study Of Marlun Construction Company Enugu).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 04 2013. Web. 04 2013. <https://projectstoc.com/read/1293/design-and-implementation-computerized-employee-clocking-system-a-case-study-of-marlun-construction-company-enugu>.
"Design And Implementation Computerized Employee Clocking System (a Case Study Of Marlun Construction Company Enugu).." ProjectStoc.com. 04, 2013. Accessed 04, 2013. https://projectstoc.com/read/1293/design-and-implementation-computerized-employee-clocking-system-a-case-study-of-marlun-construction-company-enugu.
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