An Appraisal Of The Effects Of Ethnicity On The Performance Of Oil Companies In Nigeria.

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The ability to use appraisal to develop and motivate employees is a core management skill. Constructive feedback or performance is vital if staff are to build on their strength achieve their full potential and make the maximum contribution to their organization.
In Nigerian organization, certain factors has been identified that render  the performance appraisal system ineffective. Ethnicity has been studied as factors that affect the performance studied as a factor that affect the performance appraisal system. The various concepts of ethnicity has be also determined in this study.
The method that I used to obtain the information or data was primary and secondary data due in experimental survey method.
The study established to an extent, ethnicity has strong effect on the performance appraisal system of an organization. Indeed, Appraisal method/Techniques lay down cannot always be followed because of ethnicity, Appraisal results cannot be influenced to favour or against a particular ethnic group; Disciplinary action are overlooked in dominant ethnic group; Job condition ethnic group and motivation is more in the same ethnic group motivation is more in the same ethnic group. Although this measure is to measure the impact of ethnicity on the . appraisal performance system .
Base on the findings, I will recommend that the working environment should be made pleasant to employees irrespective of their ethnic group; communication gab between the subordinate and departmental heads have to improved, so that an attempt is made to discuss constructively whether expected results predetermined were met exceeded or not. Apart from wages and salaries and promotion other forms are incentives, such as training the workers. Should be given to subordinate to arouse their interest in their job. Department heads should be able to concentrate on area needed to facilitating the growth and development in employees training and coaching  feedback of appraisal information and present system of appraisal should be reviewed to ensure that merit and capabilities of the subordinates are given greater weight in determining who should be give due position irrespective of ethnic  affiliation.
Above all, the performance appraisal should be known and understood as a result oriented tool for individual irrespective of ethnic affiliation and organizational growth otherwise, encounter productive particularly, if the findings is focused on the personality, and mannerisms on the incumbents in the relation with ethnicity, rather on the aspects of to related behaviour.


Title Page
Table of Contents

1.2Context of Problem
1.3Statement of Problem
1.4Purpose of the Study
1.5Test of Hypotheses
1.6Research Questions
1.7Definition of term
1.8Significance of the study
1.9Scope and limitations of the study.

Literature Review
2.2Importance of  performance Appraisal
2.3People connected with evaluating performance
2.4Organizational goals and feedback Processes
2.5Methods of Appraisal
2.6Elements of a successful Appraisal System 
and Appraisal Performance goal
2.7Nature and causes of ethnicity in Nig. Organizations
2.8 Human explanation of ethnicity
2.9Ethnicity in Nigeria, cultural or political issue.
2.10Perspectives on Ethnicity and realities of 
ethnicity in Nigerian work place.

3.1Research design
3.2Sampling procedure
3.3Questionnaire Design
3.4Data collection
3.5Data Analysis Technique
3.6Performance and Operational measures of variable.

Presentation Analysis of Data
4.1Job and Environmental conditions
4.2Employee participation in performance 
Appraisal and motivation
4.3Motivation of subordinate
4.4Appraisal Technique method
4.5Disciplinary actions
4.6Performance Appraisal Results
4.7Test of Research Hypothesis

Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations
5.4 Further Researches on performance appraisal

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(2012, 10). An Appraisal Of The Effects Of Ethnicity On The Performance Of Oil Companies In Nigeria... Retrieved 10, 2012, from
"An Appraisal Of The Effects Of Ethnicity On The Performance Of Oil Companies In Nigeria.." 10 2012. 2012. 10 2012 <>.
"An Appraisal Of The Effects Of Ethnicity On The Performance Of Oil Companies In Nigeria...", 10 2012. Web. 10 2012. <>.
"An Appraisal Of The Effects Of Ethnicity On The Performance Of Oil Companies In Nigeria..." 10, 2012. Accessed 10, 2012.

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