Banking And Finance Works

Banking And Finance project topics, essays, seminar topics, thesis topics, and project topics in banking and finance

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The Role Of Electronic Banking In Nigeria

ABSTRACTThis Project goes into the Roles of Electronic Banking in Nigeria, the supervisory framework.  The security for the money, the component of the Electronic Banking, finding and recommendat...

Premium 43 pages 5133 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Merger And Acquisition A New Trend Of Financial Management In Nigeria

INTRODUCTION      The subject matter of merger an acquisition first emerged in the Nigeria capital market in 1983 and it has become charged with controversies and conflicting view ...

Premium 32 pages 4398 words Seminar Degree Level

The Incidence Of Bad Debts And Credit Management In Nigeria Commercial Banks

INTRODUCTION    In a modern Economy, there is a distinction between surplus economics units and the deficit economics units and in a separation of the saving investment mechanism. This ...

Premium 32 pages 3515 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

The Impact Of Banking Regulation And Supervision In Nigeria Commercial Banks

CHAPTER ONE1.0    INTRODUCTIONModern commercial banking in Nigeria dates back to the early period.  The decline in barter system of trade and the rise in financial transaction of t...

Premium 48 pages 7070 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Importance Of Liquidity In Commercial Banks

CHAPTER ONE1.0    INTRODUCTION1.1    BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY    Liquidity is the word that bankers use to describe the ability to satisfy demand for cash i...

Premium 24 pages 3682 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Adequacy Or Inadequacy Of Working Capital: Its Importance And Implication

 ABSTRACT     The objective of this study is to evaluate and examine the adequacy or inadequacy of working capital: its importance and implication The study observed that A lo...

Premium 24 pages 2704 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Crisis Management In Banking Industry

In summary the aim of conducting this research is to investigate into some problems that are in existence in the banking industry and to suggest possible solution towards adveving crisis free...

Premium 42 pages 4867 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Fraud And Forgery In The Nigerian Banking Industry

Seeing all the adequate measures such as internal control auditing, separation of duties, monitoring of branch operations, application of diplomacy actions etc. in order to control fraud and forgery i...

Premium 36 pages 4455 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Nigeria Deregulations, Impact And Implication

The petroleum oil sector is the major area where Nigeria income emanates. Before the discovery of crude oil, agriculture is the major source of income in this country and it forms the major exporting...

Premium 32 pages 4112 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Problems Of Obtaining Bank Loans In Nigerian Banks

ABSTRACT    This research aims at tracing the problems that borrowers do encounter while obtaining loans from banks and the causes of these problems.    The researcher tr...

Premium 30 pages 4013 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

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