This study aimed to examine the efficiency of disciplinary measures on staff conduct in Federal Medical Centre, Keffi. One of the major issues facing managers, both in public and private organizations, is how to manage the personnel under them. This is importance since the levels of indiscipline in the public sectors in Nigeria are found to be responsible for low productivity in government’s desire to achieve higher living standard for the people. In this study, survey research design was adopted and two methods were employed on gathering the requisite data which are questionnaire and personal interview. The questionnaire serves as a major tool for the collection of data for the study. The interview method was adopted in order to increase the depth of the study as well as obtain sensitive and salient information about the issue under consideration which could not be obtained via the questionnaire. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed to the employees of the organization at different levels and departments of which 360 were recovered and used for the study. The data collected for this study were analyzed statistically using Pearson correlation, bivariate analysis and regression analysis through the use of SPSS (Version 20).
The study found that the major causes of staff indiscipline are: favouritism of the part of managements and heads, lack of proper communication of policies and norms of the organization and lack of good leadership. It was also revealed that demotion, termination of appointment and withholding of financial benefits have influence on staff conduct. The study therefore recommended that organization in the first place make sure new and existing employees be made to understand the culture, policies and norms of the organization through training. This will make them to be adequately informed of the actions that are regarded as indiscipline act. The management on its part should avoid practices that could cause rancor and apprehension like favouritism within the organization. Employees of the organization should also be careful with their attitude to code of conducts as management will not hesitate to apply the disciplinary measures on defaulters.
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(2017, 02). Impact Of Disciplinary Measures On Staff Conduct In Federal Medical Centre, Keffi.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 02, 2017, from https://projectstoc.com/read/8318/impact-of-disciplinary-measures-on-staff-conduct-in-federal-medical-centre-keffi-4838
"Impact Of Disciplinary Measures On Staff Conduct In Federal Medical Centre, Keffi." ProjectStoc.com. 02 2017. 2017. 02 2017 <https://projectstoc.com/read/8318/impact-of-disciplinary-measures-on-staff-conduct-in-federal-medical-centre-keffi-4838>.
"Impact Of Disciplinary Measures On Staff Conduct In Federal Medical Centre, Keffi.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 02 2017. Web. 02 2017. <https://projectstoc.com/read/8318/impact-of-disciplinary-measures-on-staff-conduct-in-federal-medical-centre-keffi-4838>.
"Impact Of Disciplinary Measures On Staff Conduct In Federal Medical Centre, Keffi.." ProjectStoc.com. 02, 2017. Accessed 02, 2017. https://projectstoc.com/read/8318/impact-of-disciplinary-measures-on-staff-conduct-in-federal-medical-centre-keffi-4838.
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