The Attitude Of Female Mass Communication Students Towards Journalism As A Career, In Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka

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The researcher in this work focused on the Attitude of Female Mass Communication Students Towards Journalism As a Career. It is believed that a large number of female trained journalists are produced from different higher Institutions in our country, but only a few go into the filed to practice their Journalism profession. This is why the researcher dimmed it fit to research into the image of female Journalists. Research questions are constructed to guide the researcher in her study. Relevant related literatures are reviewed to show that similar research work has been carried out, and a theoretical framework has been discussed to support the study.  Survey method was adopted, and this made it possible for the researcher to select an appropriate sample size of 150. Using appropriate tools like questionnaire and personal interview, the researcher was able to study a population too large to be observed personally. The researcher adopted a simple percentage and frequency table with simple descriptive analysis to explain the tables. Hypotheses which are formed from the research questions are tested to enable the researcher know if certain claims she made on this work received statistical support or not. At the and of the study, the researcher was able to find out that Female Mass Communication Students have Negative Attitude Towards Jocularism As a Career. Also that female roles as mothers and wives are some of the problems facing female Journalists. The researcher also recommended that salaries of the working journalists should be increased so as to motivate and change the Negative Attitude of Female Mass Communication Students Towards Journalism As a Career. Also, our culture and society at large should stop discriminating against female Journalists so that they can practice their profession perfectly.

TABLE OF CONTENTS - - - - - - -     
Table of contents: - - - - - - -
List of tables: - - - - - - - -      
Abstract: - - - - - - - - -  
1.1 Background of the study: - - - - -  1
1.2 Statement of the research problem:- - -  5
1.3 Objectives of the study: - - - - -  7
1.4 Significance of the study: - - - - -  8    
1.5 Research   Questions: - - - - - 10    
1.6 Research Hypotheses: - - - - - 10    
1.7  Definition of terms: - - -. - - - 12  
1.8  Assumptions of the study: - - - -16                 
1.9  Limitation of the study: - - - - -17
     References: - - - - - - -18

2.0   LITERATURE REVIEW: - - - - -  19
2.1 Sources of Literature: - - - - -- 20 
2.2 Review of Relevant Literature: - - - - 20
2.2.1 Female attitude towards journalism: - - 21  
2.2.2 Discrimination against women journalists: - 26
2.2.3 Reasons why female journalists shy away from their professional  duties: - -29  
2.2.4 Impressions about female Journalists: - -32
2.3 Theoretical Framework - - - - -34
2.4  Summary of Literature: - - - - -37
References: - - - - - - -39

3.1 Research Design: - - - - - -42
3.2 Area of study: - - - - - - -43
3.3 Populations of the study: - - - - -43
3.4 Research sample and sampling Technique: -44
3.5 Instruments used for data collection: - -45
3.6 Validity of the instrument: - - - -46  
3.7 Method of data collection - - - -46  
3.8 Method of data analysis: - - - - -47  
       References: - - - - - - -48   

4.1  Data presentation and analysis: - - -49  
4.2   Hypotheses Testing: - - - -- -65  
4.3   Discussion on  findings: - - - - -74  
         References: - - - - - - -78
5.1 Summary : - - - - - - -79
5.2 Conclusion: - - - - -- - 81  
5.3 Recommendations  for further study: - 84
     References: - - - - - - 86  
        Bibliography: - - - - - - 87  
       Appendix: - - 91

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(2016, 03). The Attitude Of Female Mass Communication Students Towards Journalism As A Career, In Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka.. Retrieved 03, 2016, from
"The Attitude Of Female Mass Communication Students Towards Journalism As A Career, In Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka." 03 2016. 2016. 03 2016 <>.
"The Attitude Of Female Mass Communication Students Towards Journalism As A Career, In Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka..", 03 2016. Web. 03 2016. <>.
"The Attitude Of Female Mass Communication Students Towards Journalism As A Career, In Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka.." 03, 2016. Accessed 03, 2016.