The Role Of Community Public In Conflict Management

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This Project work was based on the role of public Relation is conflict management between oil producing communities and oil companies.  The study was however contained to two major oil companies namely, the shall petroleum Development Company (SPDC) and the part.
Harcourt Returing Company (PHRC).  In addition, Eleme Local Government Area Ikwere Local Government Area all in Rivers State which are lost communities to both shell and PHRC were used as case study.
To ensure that the aim is achieved, the work was divided into five chapters, while chapter one deals with the introduction to the Project, Including the theory base, research problems and hypothesis as well as scope and objectives and assumptions of the study, chapter Two involved  literature Review.  The research methodology in chapter three included the research design, sample instrument, data collection and analysis, procedure, while the expected results were also outlined.
The data collected in respect of the project were analysed in chapter four and elaborate discussions on the topic made. While in chapter five, the study was summarized, conclusion drawn and recommendation made.

TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………. i
APPROVAL PAGE……………………………………………. ii
DEDICATION………………………………………………… iii
ABSTRACT…………………………………………………… iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………… v

1.0 Introduction…………………………………………….. 1
1.1 The Background of the study…………………………… 1
1.1.2 Government Involvement in the oil Industry and the birth of (the NNPC (Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation)………….6
1.1.3 History of shell in Nigeria …………………………….. 7
1.1.4 Public Relations Practice in Rot Harcourt The hing Company Limited (PHRC) and shell Development Company of Nigeria…………………………………………………10
1.2 Statement of Research Problems………………………12
1.3 The Purpose (Objective) of the Study…………………13
1.4 Significance of the Study………………………………13
1.5 Research Questions……………………………………15
1.6 Research hypothesis……………………………………15
1.7 Definition of Terms……………………………………17
1.8 Assumptions……………………………………………18
1.9 Scope and Limitations of the study……………………18


2.0 Literature Review………………………………………22
2.1 Sources of Literature …………………………………. 22   
2.2 The Review ……………………………………………23
2.2.1 Community Relations…………………………………30
2.2.2 Crisis Management and Resolution …………………37
2.2.3 Issues Management ………………………………….38
2.2.4 Planning and Prevention of crisis……………………39
References 42

3.0 Methodology……………………………………… 44
3.1 Research Design …………………………………. 44
3.2 Research Design ………………………………… 44
3.3 Research Sample……………………………….. 44
3.4 Measuring Instrument ……………………….. 45
3.5 Data Collection…………………………….. 46
3.6 Analysis of Data…………………………… 46

4.O Data Analysis and Result Presentation…………………47
4.1 An overview…………………………………………. 47
4.2 Analysis of Responses of the staff of Public Relation Department ………………………………………. 48
4.3 Analysis of Responses of the public…………….. 59
4.4 Hypothesis Testing ………………………………… 70
4.5 Discussions of findings………………………… 78

5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation 
5.1 Summary of the Study………………………………. 81
5.2 Conclusion …………………………………………. 82
5.3 The commendations ……………………. 83

BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………….. 85

Appendix I – Questionnaire for staff ………………………87
Appendix II – Questionnaire for the Pubic ………………88    

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(2014, 11). The Role Of Community Public In Conflict Management.. Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"The Role Of Community Public In Conflict Management." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"The Role Of Community Public In Conflict Management..", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"The Role Of Community Public In Conflict Management.." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.