Influence Of Community Radio In Agricultural Development.

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In every society we find ourselves, the need for the rules to reach out improve the standard of the ruled is imperative. The system must rely upon a regular two-way flow of information between the government and the citizens of the country, we have seen subsequent administration, be it military or civilian coming out with one programme or the other aimed at improving the standard of life that are found in the rural or communities areas, who obviously form the bulk of the Nigerian population.
In recent years, there has been a growing awareness that no nation can develop without deliberately undertaking the development of its community such development or transformation is however, possible only when the community population is various areas are participate in activities directed at their own development as well as the development of the nation, by the government.
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(2016, 02). Influence Of Community Radio In Agricultural Development... Retrieved 02, 2016, from
"Influence Of Community Radio In Agricultural Development.." 02 2016. 2016. 02 2016 <>.
"Influence Of Community Radio In Agricultural Development...", 02 2016. Web. 02 2016. <>.
"Influence Of Community Radio In Agricultural Development..." 02, 2016. Accessed 02, 2016.

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