Islamic Work Ethics In Contemporary Era And Its Relationship With Organizational Citizenship Behavior (a Study Based On Public Sector Hospitals And Banks In Pakistan)

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This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Islamic Work Ethics (IWE) on Organizational Citizenship
Behaviour (OCB). 200 questionnaires were distributed among the employees of public sector hospitals and
commercial banks of Pakistan. 165 valid and usful responses were received (a response rate was 82.5%). The
empirical testing indicated that IWE has positive effect on OCB and had strong correlation. The main finding of this
research is, OCB has a positive relationship with IWE in public sector Hospitals and Banks of Pakistan. Conclusion,
Recommendation, limitation and suggestions for further research are discussed in this study. 
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(2016, 01). Islamic Work Ethics In Contemporary Era And Its Relationship With Organizational Citizenship Behavior (a Study Based On Public Sector Hospitals And Banks In Pakistan).. Retrieved 01, 2016, from
"Islamic Work Ethics In Contemporary Era And Its Relationship With Organizational Citizenship Behavior (a Study Based On Public Sector Hospitals And Banks In Pakistan)." 01 2016. 2016. 01 2016 <>.
"Islamic Work Ethics In Contemporary Era And Its Relationship With Organizational Citizenship Behavior (a Study Based On Public Sector Hospitals And Banks In Pakistan)..", 01 2016. Web. 01 2016. <>.
"Islamic Work Ethics In Contemporary Era And Its Relationship With Organizational Citizenship Behavior (a Study Based On Public Sector Hospitals And Banks In Pakistan).." 01, 2016. Accessed 01, 2016.

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