Crisis Management In The Nigerian Local Government System (a Case Study Of Nkanu West Local Government)

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This research work is primarily aimed at examining the problems of crisis management in the Nigeria Local Government Administration Council, Nkanu West Local Government Area was used as a case study.
The need for this research work arouse from the fact that, without properly managing the crisis that usually occur in the local Government Administration Area (which aimed at bringing government to social amenities) may not be achieved even partly.
To achieve the above objectives, data was collected through the use of questionnaires. From the analysis of data collected, it was discovered among other things that lack of adequate manpower training to understand the dynamics of crisis contributes to poor management of crisis in Local Government Administration in Nigeria.
We therefore, recommend among other things that qualified staff be trained and developed through the organization of regular workshops and seminars, should be always available in Local Government Administration.  This will help them to be up to date in a modern crisis management.

Title page   i
Certification page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract vi
Table of content vii
List of table x

Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of  problems 3
1.3 Objective of the study 6
1.4 Research question 8
1.5 Significance  of the study 8
1.6 Scope of the study 11
1.7 Limitation  of the study 12
1.8 Definition of  major terms 13
References 15

Review of relevant/related literature 16
2.1 Meaning and nature of  crisis 16
2.2 Crisis management as it affects the Local 
Government system 24
2.3 Source of crisis 26
2.4 Techniques used in avoiding crisis 30
2.5 Summary of literature  reviewed 33
Reference 35

Research methodology 36
3.1 Sources of Data 36
3.2 Population of study 36
3.3 Determination of sample size 37
3.4 Sample Techniques 37
3.5 Selection and construction of  research instrument 39
3.6 Administration of research  instruction 39
3.7 Instrument  return  rate 40
3.8 Validation of the Instrument 41
3.9 Reliability of Instrument 41
Reference 42

Data Presentation and analysis, Summary of 
Findings, Recommendation and Conclusion   43
4.1 Presentation of data 43
4.2 Analysis of data 44
4.3 Summary of findings 53
4.4 Recommendations 55
4.5 Conclusion 57
Bibliography 59

4.5.1 What are the causes of crisis in Nkanu West 
local Government Area? 44
4.5.2 How is crisis managed in Nkanu West local Government Area? 46
4.5.3 Does inadequate manpower have any effect in the local Government? 47
4.5.4 Does the degree of autonomy of local Government have any effect on the rate of crisis? 48
4.5.5 Which of the identified crisis has the highest probability of occurrence?   49
4.5.6 Which of the crisis identified makes the greatest impact on the local government. 50
4.5.7 Autonomy  of local government 51
4.5.8 Adequacy of manpower in local government 52
4.5.9 Awareness of crisis in Nkanu West local government. 53
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(2015, 04). Crisis Management In The Nigerian Local Government System (a Case Study Of Nkanu West Local Government).. Retrieved 04, 2015, from
"Crisis Management In The Nigerian Local Government System (a Case Study Of Nkanu West Local Government)." 04 2015. 2015. 04 2015 <>.
"Crisis Management In The Nigerian Local Government System (a Case Study Of Nkanu West Local Government)..", 04 2015. Web. 04 2015. <>.
"Crisis Management In The Nigerian Local Government System (a Case Study Of Nkanu West Local Government).." 04, 2015. Accessed 04, 2015.

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