The main objective of the study that investigate the management problems of public enterprise a case study of Anambra manufacturing company (Anammmco) the objective of any government is a stable growth and development of the country through industrialization, one of the avenues through which, their achieved is by the establishment of public enterprises.
The Analysis made in chapter four forms an important part of the discussion that follows after the data collected have been presented and analysed, the following were by the research I that management misplacement of found reflect its inefficiency.
In consideration of this findings the researcher dealing with the first finding, it was proved that management misplacement of organisational objective is not the bone of efficiency, this could be attributed to the fact that in so for the works realized despite poor performance of management.
Research recommendations, as a result of the importance of government owned companies in the development of the economy and their problem expressed by the respondents in the course of the research work, the following recommendations were made by the research, these will help in improving the performance of the public enterprises in particular and the nation’s economy at large.
July 2009.
Title page ---------------------------------------------------------i
Certification ------------------------------------------------------ii
Acknowledgement -----------------------------------------------iii
Abstract ---------------------------------------------------------iv-v
Table of content -----------------------------------------------x-xi
1.1 Background of the study---------------------------------1-4
1.2 Historical background of case study ---------------------5-6
1.3 Statement of problems ------------------------------------7
1.4 Hypotheses formulation-----------------------------------8-9
1.5 Objective of the study -------------------------------------10
1.6 Significance of the study ----------------------------------11
1.7 Scope of the study ----------------------------------------12
1.8 Limitation of the study -----------------------------------12
1.9 Definition of term --------------------------------------13-15
References -------------------------------------------------16
2.1 Purpose of public enterprises-------------------------17-22
2.2 The history and growth of public enterprises -------22-23
2.3 Structure of the public enterprises -------------------24-31
2.4 Problems of public enterprises ---------------------------32
2.5 Economic factors --------------------------------------33-36
2.6 Financial problems/ms management -----------------36-37
2.7 Political factors------------------------------------------38-40
2.8 Ethnicity problem---------------------------------------41-43
2.9 Nigeria work attitudes ------------------------------------43
2.10 Administrative factors ----------------------------------44-47
2.11 Operational technical factors --------------------------47-49
2.12 Summary of the review -----------------------------------49
Reference --------------------------------------------------51
3.1 Sources of data -------------------------------------------52
3.2 Research instrument--------------------------------------53
3.3 Population techniques------------------------------------54
3.4 Sampling Techniques-----------------------------------54-55
3.5 Methods of investigation -------------------------------56-57
3.6 Reliability of instrument----------------------------------58
3.7 Validity of the instrument---------------------------------58
3.8 Method of analysis-----------------------------------------59
Reference -------------------------------------------------------60
4.1 Data presentation and analysis-----------------------61-74
Reference --------------------------------------------------76
5.1 Summary of findings----------------------------------76-78
5.2 Recommendations -------------------------------------79-80
5.3 Conclusion --------------------------------------------81-82
Bibliography -------------------------------------------83-84
Appendix: questionnaire. ------------------------------------85-88
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(2014, 12). Management Of Public Enterprises (a Case Of Anammco) Anambra Motor Manufacturing Company.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 12, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/5656/management-of-public-enterprises-a-case-of-anammco-anambra-motor-manufacturing-company-8296
"Management Of Public Enterprises (a Case Of Anammco) Anambra Motor Manufacturing Company." ProjectStoc.com. 12 2014. 2014. 12 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/5656/management-of-public-enterprises-a-case-of-anammco-anambra-motor-manufacturing-company-8296>.
"Management Of Public Enterprises (a Case Of Anammco) Anambra Motor Manufacturing Company.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 12 2014. Web. 12 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/5656/management-of-public-enterprises-a-case-of-anammco-anambra-motor-manufacturing-company-8296>.
"Management Of Public Enterprises (a Case Of Anammco) Anambra Motor Manufacturing Company.." ProjectStoc.com. 12, 2014. Accessed 12, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/5656/management-of-public-enterprises-a-case-of-anammco-anambra-motor-manufacturing-company-8296.
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