Strategies For Promoting Productivity In Civil Service (a Case Of Enugu State Civil Service Commission)

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This project is on the strategies for promoting productivity in the civil service (A case study of Enugu state civil service commission). The main objective of this study is to determine the incentives and motivational tools for promoting productivity with respect to Enugu state civil service commission.
In the course of seeking for information, primary and secondary data were used. The methods employed under primary data collection include personal interviews, questionnaires and observation.
The respondent to these questionnaires include the senior and junior level employees of the Enugu state civil service commission. The secondary data in the other hand were collected from already written research work that are related to the subject matter either directly or indirectly and they are used to complete the primary data. These include; past project, text books, journals and lecturers note etc. 
The researcher used yaro yamani statistical tool to determine the sample size of the population, since the population is too large to be covered. The determine sample size was drawn from senior and junior staffs of the Enugu state civil service commission with a total number of one hundred (100 ) population size.
The major instrument used to collect data in this research is the questionnaire. In constructing the questionnaire, the researcher employed the following; Dichotomous question (yes/No), Multiple choice questions and open ended questions.
The tools employed in analyzing the data collected include tables, simple percentages and chi-square method.
For the purpose of the study, the researcher used a percentage level of 50 percent and above to qualify any issue for adoption and 49 percent or below as any issue under discussion for rejection.
Following the findings, the following recommendation were made: 
Firstly, management should improve on the working conditions of the staffs so that the organization goal will be achieved because without good working condition the staffs will not be comfortable to work, thereby reducing the effectiveness of their work. 
Secondly, the Enugu civil service commission should try and have a communication link between them because communication is one of the tools that lead to effective management and equally employ skilled people in the order to have an efficient output to achieve their objectives.
 Thirdly, management should also motivate their workers and allowance should be kept aside for the workers.
Finally, promoting productivity in the civil service can be achieved through incentives, motivation, and adequate supervision of the staff, in order to eliminate bureaucratic bottleneck. 
Title page i
Approval page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of content viii

1.1 Background to the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 4
1.3 Objectives of the study 6
1.4 Significance of the study 6
1.5 Scope of the Study 7
1.6 Research questions 8
1.7 Research hypotheses 9
1.8 Limitations of the Study 10
1.9 Definition of terms 11
References 14

2.1 literature review 15
2.2 Stages of productivity movement in Nigerian civil service 18
2.3 Causes of productivity decline in Enugu state civil service  
      Commission 24
2.4 Condition necessary for promoting productivity in the
Enugu state civil service. 32
2.5 Strategies for promoting productivity in Enugu state civil
service commission. 34
2.6 Evaluation and recognition of performance appraisal on organization productivity 40
2.7 Effect of good performance appraisal on organizational productivity 41
2.8 Human problem encountered in workplace when promoting productivity in the civil service 46
  References 49

3.1 Research design 54
3.2 Area of the study 54
3.3 Population of the study 55
3.4 Determination of the sample size 55
3.5 Research instruments 56
3.6 Validation of the Research Instrument 58
3.7 Reliability of the Research Instrument 58
3.8 Method of data analysis 58 Reference 60

4.1 Presentation and analysis of data 61
4.2 Testing of hypothesis 71
References 76

5.1 Summary of the findings 77
5.2 Conclusion 78
5.3 Implications of the research findings 79
5.4 Recommendations 80
Bibliography 82
Appendix 90
Questionnaire 91

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(2015, 02). Strategies For Promoting Productivity In Civil Service (a Case Of Enugu State Civil Service Commission).. Retrieved 02, 2015, from
"Strategies For Promoting Productivity In Civil Service (a Case Of Enugu State Civil Service Commission)." 02 2015. 2015. 02 2015 <>.
"Strategies For Promoting Productivity In Civil Service (a Case Of Enugu State Civil Service Commission)..", 02 2015. Web. 02 2015. <>.
"Strategies For Promoting Productivity In Civil Service (a Case Of Enugu State Civil Service Commission).." 02, 2015. Accessed 02, 2015.

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