Effective Internal Control System As A Measure Of Fraud Prevention In The Public Service. (a Case Study Of Board Of Internal Revenue Enugu State).

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The Institute of Charter Accountants defines the concept internal control system as “The whole system of control financial and otherwise established by the management in order to carry on the business of the enterprise in an orderly and efficient manner, ensure adherence to management policies, safeguard the assets and secure as fact as possible the completeness and accuracy check and internal audit”  fraud is a threat common to most organizations. It is a threat to the effective utilization of resources and as such, it will always remain an important concern to management.
Fraud needs to be deleted and potential fraud needs to be prevented. Effective internal control system is vital for the survival of any organization it serves as a check on fraudulent activities of the management and employees an organization and it brings about solutions to likely fraudulent acts in an organization.
Management is totally responsible for establishing the internal control system in an organization. 
Auditing today is based on internal control. A client during the course of financial period so because it is client during the course of so because it is undesirable for an auditor to carry out a hundred percent check on all the transactions enters this.

Internal control system is a necessity in large organizations  especially where management is removed from day to day routine operations of the organization. Internal control system include controls exercised by management which comprise of rules and regulations as well as procedures set up by organizations bearing also the problems set up by organizations bearing in also the problem of limited resources.
If the internals control system is effective in an organization, it ensures maximum use of resources and also reduces to the barest minimum fraud.
The feed for affective internal control system therefore cannot be over-emphasized. It is important because of the existence of risks and also all form irregularities in an organizations.ter of flatly, the major frauds in public and private enterprises can be traced to lapse in the internal control system and the existence of poor control environment in organization.
An effective internal control system and its fraud preventive measures in an organization will help to prevent fraud and errors in an organization thereby reducing fraud to its minimum than when internal control is not in existence or when there is weakness in the system.


Title Page

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Statement of Problem
1.3 Purpose of Study 
1.4 Relevance of the Study
1.5 Methodology and Hypothesis Statement
1.6 Scope and Limitation of Study
1.7 Definition of Terms.

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Organizational Chart
2.3 Personal Income Tax Duties
2.4 Other Revenue Duties
2.5 Planning  Research and Statistics
2.6 Administration and Finances
2.7 Relationship between Internal and External Auditor
2.8 Internal Audit as an Effective Internal Control System.
2.9 Factors that will be considered by an external auditor before relying on the work of the internal auditors
2.10 Audit committee.
2.11 Relationship between the audit committee and the external auditor.
2.12 Essentials of internal control 
2.13 Internal check
2.14 Types of internal control system at board of internal revenue Enugu state  
2.15 Areas of work where internal and external auditors overlap at the board of internal revenue Enugu state.
2.16 Areas of work where internal and external auditors overlap at the board of internal revenue Enugu state 
2.17 Fraud
2.18 Difference between fraud in the organization
2.19 Reference

3.1 Research methodology
3.2 Primary data
3.3 Validity and reliability of the questionnaire
3.4 Personal interview 
3.5 Observations
3.6 Statistical tools and mathematical manipulation
3.7 Research design
3.8 Selection of sample 
3.9 References  

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Field survey
4.3 Presentation and analysis of data
4.4 Section a part of the questionnaire
4.5 Section B part of the questionnaire
4.6 Data analysis
4.7 The procedure for reporting fraud at the board of internal revenue
4.8 Testing of hypothesis
4.9 Hypothesis 1
4.10 Hypothesis 2
4.11 References

5.1 Summary
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Bibliography
5.5 Appendix.  

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(2014, 11). Effective Internal Control System As A Measure Of Fraud Prevention In The Public Service. (a Case Study Of Board Of Internal Revenue Enugu State)... ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 11, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/5058/effective-internal-control-system-as-a-measure-of-fraud-prevention-in-the-public-service-a-case-study-of-board-of-internal-revenue-enugu-state-1051
"Effective Internal Control System As A Measure Of Fraud Prevention In The Public Service. (a Case Study Of Board Of Internal Revenue Enugu State).." ProjectStoc.com. 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/5058/effective-internal-control-system-as-a-measure-of-fraud-prevention-in-the-public-service-a-case-study-of-board-of-internal-revenue-enugu-state-1051>.
"Effective Internal Control System As A Measure Of Fraud Prevention In The Public Service. (a Case Study Of Board Of Internal Revenue Enugu State)..." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/5058/effective-internal-control-system-as-a-measure-of-fraud-prevention-in-the-public-service-a-case-study-of-board-of-internal-revenue-enugu-state-1051>.
"Effective Internal Control System As A Measure Of Fraud Prevention In The Public Service. (a Case Study Of Board Of Internal Revenue Enugu State)..." ProjectStoc.com. 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/5058/effective-internal-control-system-as-a-measure-of-fraud-prevention-in-the-public-service-a-case-study-of-board-of-internal-revenue-enugu-state-1051.