Fraud And Financial Malpractices As A Lending Factor To Business Failure (a Case Study Of Nigerian Telecommunication Limited (nitel)

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The study is concerned with an investigation into fraud and financial malpractices as a leading factor in business failure and eventual liquidation.
A case study of Nigerian Telecommunication Limited (NITEL).
By way of background, the study commenced with an overview of the business environments and its effects on business growth and survival.
Using NITEL as a case study, it was established that inspite of its privatization, NITEL is still saddled with the problem of bad image arising mostly from fraudulent practices.
With the above stated problem, the specific objectives of the study were:
1. To ascertain why NITEL Plc is still saddled with problem.
2. To determine whether there is significant weakness in NITEL internal control system.
Data collected were analysed using weighted mean and ranking order.  Major findings of the study were:
(i) The study revealed that the NITEL is unable to achieve its objective
(ii) It was also revealed that fraud and financial malpractices was the most important factors that has contributed poor performance of NITEL.

At the end, the following recommendation were made:
(i) NITEL management should design appropriate policies.
(ii) The organisation should also strengthened its internal control system.


Title page ii
Approval page iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
List of table viii
Table of content ix

Introduction 1
1.1 Background of study 1
1.2 Statement of problem 4
1.3 The purpose of study 5
1.4 Scope of study 6
1.5 Research question 6
1.6 Significance of the study 7

Review Of Literature 9
2.1 Definition of distress/failures of a corporate 9
2.2 Causes of business failure 12
2.3 Summary of related reviewed literature 29

Research design and Methodology 30
3.1 Research design 30
3.2 Area of study 30
3.3 Population of the study 30
3.4 Sample size and sampling procedure 31
3.5 Instruments for data collection 34
3.6 Validity of the instrument 34
3.7 Reliability of the instrument 35
3.8 Method of administration of the research instrument 35
3.9 Method of data analysis 36

Data Presentation And Results 37
4.1 Research question 1 37
4.2 Research question 2 40
4.3 Research question 3 42
4.4 Research question 4 45
4.5 Summary of findings 47

Discussion Of Results, Conclusion, Implication Of Findings 49
5.1 Discussion of findings 49
5.2 Conclusions 51
5.3 Implications of the study 52
5.4 Recommendations 52
5.5 Suggestions for further studies 53
5.6 Limitation of the study 54
References 55
Appendix 57

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(2014, 11). Fraud And Financial Malpractices As A Lending Factor To Business Failure (a Case Study Of Nigerian Telecommunication Limited (nitel).. Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"Fraud And Financial Malpractices As A Lending Factor To Business Failure (a Case Study Of Nigerian Telecommunication Limited (nitel)." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"Fraud And Financial Malpractices As A Lending Factor To Business Failure (a Case Study Of Nigerian Telecommunication Limited (nitel)..", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"Fraud And Financial Malpractices As A Lending Factor To Business Failure (a Case Study Of Nigerian Telecommunication Limited (nitel).." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.

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