The Role Of Civil Service On Nations Economic Systems (a Case Study Of Enugu State)

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At the federal level, the Nigeria Civil Service is the most important sectors of the nations economic systems at the same time when reviewed from the state level. It is seen as the most important sector of the states economics system. Specifically using Enugu state as a case study, one can observe that the civil service of the state is performing below expectations.
This ineffectiveness notwithstanding, one sees it as a testimony that much priority is given to the administration that mush priority is given to the administration and general welfare of the state. if the civil service perform sub optimally, our health, education and general welfare must be education and general welfare must be adversely affected, productivity in private organization dwindles, profit position becomes poor, social responsibility of business managers and entrepreneur becomes neglected, employers are paid offs taxes becomes flowing to the government purse and contribution to the nations growth generally are affected.
Besides efficiency and productivity in the civil service lies a multipliers effect on the service and profit making activities of business enterprise.
According to walker, an economist’s productivity and profits are limited firmly with progress because progress requires growth of both to adequately meet the aspiration of today’s business.

The Enugu State private sector is brought because of the activities of the small scale industrialist and merchants and the existence of large manufacturing companies  like Niger gas at Emene in Enugu State, the Enugu Anambra Motor Manufacturing company (ANAMCO),Emene (a joint entire between  the private and public sector with the government holding the equity and controlling share)
The state  private sector is the important its owns but, not as important as civil service  which employs the greats labour and spends more employs the greatest labour and spends more than 60% of its total revenue . the important of the state civil service will be appreciated not only considering the amount of capital it spends amount of labour it employs but by the number and kind of service it enders to its people such as health, education, agriculture, information rural development and general welfare. Infacts it is a unit of great important because other activities of the state depend of it the important of the Enugu State civil service, likewise the state cannot therefore be overemphasized. Its efficiency or otherwise will effect the general well being of the other basic comforts will be enjoyed or adversely or ware economically,
The Enugu state government therefore has a specially and productivity of the civil service.

The researcher could not find previous study that s closely related to the present one .Although a number of that books newspapers, articles, journals and , materials were identified.
 For the sake of convinced in reading these materials were reviewed under the following headings:
Office Environment
Office Organization and control
Employee Training and Development.

This is considered an important factor for determing employee productivity and efficiency never etal in their work ups “Administrative office Management” looked at office environment in times of its mental and physical factors; physical environment as well as furniture’s equipment and furnishing include: 

Types of surfaces
Types of factors
Size of Rooms
Nature of lightening provided
Window covering
Noise control
Ventilation and Air Conditions
Background Music

Each of these factors, they argue has physical characteristics that strong affect the mental condition of the employee, their moral and overall attitude towards their work. 
The author suggested the following:

That it should support and enhance the character of the employee recognizing his personal need at work
Management should give important consideration regarding the procurement, selection, maintenance replacement and the control of office furniture on equipment.
That the office environment should be adaptable and flexible to that change in personnel and staff in job function can be handled easily without undo expensive neuner atal outlined the following ways of controlling noise in the office.
Segregation of noisy department and putting them in a sound proof location.
Make use of floor absorb noise and use of well covering ceiling coverings.
Utilization of sound adsorbing surface to mubble and absorb noise.  In the part of hygienic in the office a writer, Deyer discussed the importance of keeping the office neat and tidy. She then suggested that paper basket should be provided and cleaners properly supervised to make sure they clean every corner.

Lastly R.N. Robert suggested to that better equipment could increase productivity, also better resource allocation more accurate practice, improving human resource management s better selection of workers improved training and increase motivation.

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(2014, 11). The Role Of Civil Service On Nations Economic Systems (a Case Study Of Enugu State).. Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"The Role Of Civil Service On Nations Economic Systems (a Case Study Of Enugu State)." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"The Role Of Civil Service On Nations Economic Systems (a Case Study Of Enugu State)..", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"The Role Of Civil Service On Nations Economic Systems (a Case Study Of Enugu State).." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.

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