Training Development And Promotion As A Means Of Boosting Employee Morale In An Organization A Case Study Of Cadbury Nigeria Plc Lagos

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 This study was to conduct a research work on the above topic, using Cadbury Nigeria Plc as my primary source of information to collect relevant data. 
 The area covered by the researcher include among the historical background of the company and the method adopted in training their personnel. 
 Also there is a critical review in development and training in the organization and the actual performance within the organization.
 The prospect of training and development in an organization as related to production will be appraised. 
 The caliber of personnel involved in the training and development programme will be worked into there will be an evaluation of the training and development programme.  
 The importance of training and development as motivational factor will be reviewed. 
 I will review some textbook to back my research work then aspects will include definitions and objectives of training and development, again some research work experts will also be taking into consideration; in order to know how effective is training and development to the motivation of workers, for high productivity and efficiency.  


 Every Organization be it people or private has the primary aim of achieving the organizational goals for which it was being set up. 
 These goals can only be achieved by the judicious acquisition and effective utilization of its man power resources.  
 According to E.F.L. Brech (1976) Management in principle Pg. 10 Training and Development this is an aspect of management practice wherein a good deal of realistic and reliable knowledge is called for as well as the expertise to be able to interpret and translate the disclosed needs into the ways and means of improvement. 
 Generally guidance on this matter is not easy to offer and it could be unwise if allowed to become the substitute for expert assistance.
 This is also important that the programmes for development whether by training (learning) or by others means, should allow for and encourage the self-help efforts of gained from this factor improving competence. There is major benefit to be gained too, from wise counseling by older and senior mangers. This is particularly true when the improvements called for lie the direction of personal attitude, of behaviour towards colleagues and subordinates or of judgment and decision. Such counseling should not occur only at the periodic appraisal reviews but, should rather be a feature of the everyday exercise of the managerial roles. 
 According to Lawrence L. Bethel, Franklin S. at water, George H.E. Smith, Harvey A. Stackman, Jr. and James L. Riggs, industrial Organization and Management Fifth Edition Pg. 427 says larger companies have been giving increasing attention to the training and development of management members above the foremen level: department heads, staff assistants and officers. The systematic inventory of executive potential which highlights the training need, the essence of this is a self-evaluation of training and experiences a soul-searching analysis present performance and a selection of specific items to be improved. If a man can recognized his own weaknesses and find means to strengthen them, this is one of the best forms of executive development. 
   Therefore, no organization can progress, grow and excel without training and promoting its working force for high productivity and efficiency. However in a growing economy like Nigeria there is likely to be high rate of managerial turnover and because of these, gap many arise in the managerial structure of the industry, in filling these gaps, skilled people from different sectors are appraised and will need to be trained and development in order to fit the specific needs of management.
 Manpower is one of the vital resources of any organization and it plays a vital role in development of the nation. Land capital and manpower and the basic factors of production, it is pertinent to know that manpower is the most important of all these factors, this is because when there is no manpower the other factors can not operate. 
 In almost the 3rd world countries in which Nigeria belongs to,   the major hindrance to the successful implementation of national development plan since our independence in 1960 is our inability to develop highly rich resource of manpower; lack of development of our social economic sphere often lead to disintegration of our indigenous industry growth. 
 Speight (1989) editor in the book title the science of price, wrote that income is the product of human efforts acting upon or aided by other resource, it follows that income could always be increased by the application of more human effort to scarce resources. A country that cannot develop the skill and knowledge of its human resource and utilized them effectively in the national economy cannot develop anything else.  
 In addition, if a country fails to train develop and promote the necessary class of people in a way that is expected of such country, it would not produce positively rather such country will remain unproductive. 
 Basically, the success of any organization will depend on the effective use of human resources available to that organization. At any point in time in the life of the organization there should be the right number of employees with the right level of skill doing the right job at the right time and performing the right activities with the aim of achieving the right objective. In effect every manager in an organization has a number of assets at his disposal he is accustomed to view physical assert, like plants and machinery as an investment on which he expects a reasonable return.


TITLE PAGE          
1.0 Introduction         
1.1 Background of the Study        
1.2 Statement of the Problem       
1.3 Purpose of the Study        
1.4 scope of the Study         
1.5 Research Question        
1.6 Significance of the Study       
1.7 Definition of Terms        
2.1 Review of Relevant Theory       
2.2 Learning Theory         
2.3 Training Team and Their Functions      
2.4 Importance of Training and Development      Review Training Needs        
2.6 Planning Training Needs        
2.7 Assessing Training at Various Levels       Methods and Technique for Training and Development  
2.9 Criteria for Training Selection       
2.10 Management Development       
2.11 Methods and Techniques for Development    
2.12 Evaluation of Training Programme     
3.0 Research Design and Methodology      
3.1 Research Design         
3.2 Area of Study         
3.3 Population and Study        
3.4 Sampling and Sampling Procedure      
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection       
3.6 Validation of the Research Instrument    
3.7 Reliability of the Research Instrument     
3.8 Method of Administration of the Research Instrument   
3.9 Reference  
4.0 Data Presentation and Analysis      
5.1 Discussion of Findings        
5.2 Conclusion          
5.3 Implications of the Finding      
5.4 Recommendations         
5.5 Suggestion for further research      
5.6 Limitation          
5.7 Summary          
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(2014, 11). Training Development And Promotion As A Means Of Boosting Employee Morale In An Organization A Case Study Of Cadbury Nigeria Plc Lagos.. Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"Training Development And Promotion As A Means Of Boosting Employee Morale In An Organization A Case Study Of Cadbury Nigeria Plc Lagos." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"Training Development And Promotion As A Means Of Boosting Employee Morale In An Organization A Case Study Of Cadbury Nigeria Plc Lagos..", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"Training Development And Promotion As A Means Of Boosting Employee Morale In An Organization A Case Study Of Cadbury Nigeria Plc Lagos.." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.

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