Management is defined by many authors in recent years, according to Koontz (1963), management is the process, activity of carrying out the task or ensuring that a number of drivers activities are performed in such a way that a number of activities are performed in such a that defined objective is achieved especially the task of creating and maintaining conditions in which desired objectives are achieved by the combined efforts of a group of people (which includes the person carrying out the management) also a group of people with an organization.
Management according to Derek (1971: 139) is used to indicate the diversity and multiplicity of the activities to be managed (e.g. in such phases as management of the economy) as well as the fact that the activities are largely performed by people other than the managers.
The activities are necessarily performed by people in a work group containing them for example; financial managements, risk management and personnel management are often carried out by manager with little or more than a secretary. However, it is often suggested that these “staff functions are really only particular components or the task of management which for convenience have been assigned to specialists and that those specialists are carrying out the administration”.
Brown (1971:121) suggests the following characteristics of a manager.
1. He has subordinates
2. He can at least vary the appointment of some particular individuals to be his subordinates.
3. He assigned work to subordinates
4. He asses the performance of subordinates and can remove then from their jobs, if they fail to produce on adequate standard of work.
Effective management is defined by W.T. Reddin (1971) as the extent to which a manager achieves the output requirement of his position. Public Transport Company is a company established by government to take human beings from place to place with intention of reducing the cost of transportation to least minimum so that average citizens can benefit.
The origin of Transport Company in Nigeria can be traced backed to the colonial era in 1940, when Nigeria Railway Corporation (NRC) was established. In 1980, Lagos State Government started this business in Lagos metropolis to solve the problems of transportation in the area.
Ekene Dili Chukwu (the private transport company) started many years ago before the division of old Eastern region into many states. Where it was first formed was at Nnewi by Chief Augustine E. Ilodibe who was a native of Nnewi also. He is the chairman and Chief executive of Ekene Dili Chukwu Motors. It is also a group of companies. The company has branches all over the states in Nigeria. Here is Enugu, Ekene Dili Chukwu was first located at Awolowo Street then finally they moved to Ziks Avenue.
In commerce, transportation involves the movement of goods from the manufacturers to the consumer; consider what the state of affairs would be without transportation. Farmers would not be able to market their produce, stores would close down because they could not obtain merchandise and factories would close down because they would not be able to get their raw material or distribute finished products. Thus, we see that transportation is essential to the development and expansion of commerce.
Transportation has been given prominence as a sector requiring development as it is a facilitator of almost all economic activities. Its contribution to economic development can never be over emphasized; this can be observed in the attention given to it by experts in the field of transportation. Transportation undoubtedly is a derived since it arises out of desire to achieve certain goals. Its role is enough not limited to merely servicing other things for it often used as a tool for development especially in underdeveloped parts of the country like our own country Nigeria.
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(2014, 11). Identifing The Root Causes Of The Problems In The Private Company “ekene Dili Chukwu.. Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"Identifing The Root Causes Of The Problems In The Private Company “ekene Dili Chukwu." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"Identifing The Root Causes Of The Problems In The Private Company “ekene Dili Chukwu..", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"Identifing The Root Causes Of The Problems In The Private Company “ekene Dili Chukwu.." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.
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