An Appraisal Of Leadership Styles And Its Effectiveness In Organizational Performance A Case Study Of Mr. Biggs Okpara Avenue Enugu, Enugu State

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This research on an appraisal of leadership styles and its effectiveness in organizational performance with particular references to Mr. Biggs Okpara Avenue Enugu, Enugu State was intended to determine and assess the leadership style operational n Mr. Biggs presently and its effectiveness as a means of achieving organizational and national goals. 
In carrying out the research therefore, references were made to source including some related literature. 
In addition, questionnaires method was extensively employed to gather the necessary data for the study. This supported with other forms of collecting data such as books and consultation to the school libraries. Although getting information through some of this source was not easy, the research therefore acknowledge some limitations which might in one way or the other affect the result of the research. After the collection of the data it was used to present analyze, and interpret the data. 
At the end, some finding based on the data were made which among other is that the most popular style of leadership operational in Mr. Biggs is participatory form of leadership although it was noted that this is subject to change due mostly to situational factors. It was also found out that most mangers in Mr. Biggs use to compensate their subordinate by giving additional responsibilities but failing to arrange such action with adequate incentives such as recommendation for promotion pay increases, and there is no proper provision for training of such workers to enable them carry out effectively the added responsibility.
Based on the major findings, some recommendations for improvement was derived which among other is that there is need for adequate provision of training facilities for both the workers and managers as this would go a long way in improving their performance. 
As also noted involvement of workers in taking certain decisions establishment of effectiveness communication 
Title Page
Certification Page
Table Of Contents 

1.1 General Background of Subject Matter
1.2 Problems Associated With The Subject Matter
1.3 Problems The Study Will Be Connected 
1.4 The Importance of Studying That Area.
1.5 Definition of Important Terms 
1.6 Reference 

2.1 Literature of Review
2.2 The Origin of The Subject Area
2.3 School of Thought Within The Subject Area
2.4 Different Method Of Studying The Problem 
2.5 Summary 
2.6 Reference 

3.1 Conclusion
3.2 Data Presentation 
3.3 Analysis of The Data
3.4 Recommendation 
3.5 Conclusion 
3.6 References 

Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes


(2014, 10). An Appraisal Of Leadership Styles And Its Effectiveness In Organizational Performance A Case Study Of Mr. Biggs Okpara Avenue Enugu, Enugu State.. Retrieved 10, 2014, from
"An Appraisal Of Leadership Styles And Its Effectiveness In Organizational Performance A Case Study Of Mr. Biggs Okpara Avenue Enugu, Enugu State." 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <>.
"An Appraisal Of Leadership Styles And Its Effectiveness In Organizational Performance A Case Study Of Mr. Biggs Okpara Avenue Enugu, Enugu State..", 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <>.
"An Appraisal Of Leadership Styles And Its Effectiveness In Organizational Performance A Case Study Of Mr. Biggs Okpara Avenue Enugu, Enugu State.." 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014.

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