Analyzing The Effects Of Management Styles On The Production Of Workers. A Case Study Of Hotel Industry

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It has been noted that the efficiency and the productivity level of the workers in nay organization depend to a great extent on how well the organization is managed. In the contemporary time, man has always geared his efforts towards ensuring that the concept of management is not thrown to the winds, and he does thus in order to enhance he chances of organization to enjoy optimal productivity. Moreover, it is an established fact that management, according to Ejiofor (12987) is the process of getting thugs through and with people, and to make this happen in an organization, the concept of management becomes the pivot on which organization usually revolves. However, the research believe that the hotel industry in the kind of organization where the concept of good management is a prerequisite for effective and efficient performance of the workers this is because it is only when the workers are efficient and effective that the productivity level becomes high. Consequently, the management style adopted by those at the helm of affairs in the hotel industry affect the productivity of the workers, this is true because, when the manger or leader is efficient and effective, the subordinates or leader the workers under his or control are also efficient and effective. But when the reverse is the case, the end result is the inefficiency, poor performance and low productivity. There is no doubt what so ever that the hotel industry is an important sector in the nation’s economic system given the fact that which money is committed into the industry by either a single individual who owns such industry or by the government owned. And for the fact that the hotel industry is a profit oriented organization, it becomes clear that if the productivity level of the workers, there is not encouraging. The tendency that the objectives for which it is established will not be realized. We are aware of the consequence of inefficiency or low productivity in any organization. It was terry (1977:166) who stated than an inefficient organization  is likely to be one that operates with waste satisfaction, has no clean cut lines of authority no proper exaction of responsibilities and does not allow for appropriate participation in problem solving, gives no room for security and status and does furnish opportunity for personal and competitive pay rates, this means that for an organization like Hotel  industry, the participation of both the employee and the management in decision making as well as responsibility and authority to enable them carry out their functions with carton which will avoid wastes and carelessness and make the employees (i.e. workers) have a sense of belonging with the organization is a sine-qua-non to operational efficiency. All these can be achieved when there is one condition present and thus condition is goes management style. A close look at many organization (Including the hotel industry) reveals that the management style being practiced in them by those at  the helm of affairs are characterized by favoritism autocracy, inability to delegate, inability decentralize, authority, poor communication with subordinates inability to allow eml0oyees to participate in decision making and above all, inability to motivate workers for greater productivity.  The question than is how far and to what extent does the management styles affect the workers in organization such as the hotel industry? It is in response to the above hat thus study looked into the subject matter the effects of management style on workers productivity in the hotel industry in Enugu State.

There have been much debates on what types or forms of organizational management to be adopted in the hotel industries which will help to achieve its set objectives.

Hotel industry organization which oriented from of business organization which provides overnight lodging, rendering of accommodations, restaurant services to the general pubic. Until recently, thus sector of the economy is presumed to be relatively small business units which requires little capital outlay for its establishment and accordingly centers its operations virtually on rendering of restaurant services.

However, it is not surprising that this sector has developed into a dynamic and professions following the increase in world wide demands for its services in recent years. Its indispensability ha been accessioned most significantly by current expansions in commerce, industry and technology.

Therefore, getting workers to achieve the set objectives of the hotel which profit making is the goal oriented which is supposed to be looked into very carefully the effectiveness of the hotel depends on the management of both the employers and the employees workers should be treated with equal preference and the management should as well make sure that they are being given some little or more incentives which will be of a good help to the motivation of the hungry workers so hat they can be able to work to achieve the aim of the organization

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(2014, 10). Analyzing The Effects Of Management Styles On The Production Of Workers. A Case Study Of Hotel Industry.. Retrieved 10, 2014, from
"Analyzing The Effects Of Management Styles On The Production Of Workers. A Case Study Of Hotel Industry." 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <>.
"Analyzing The Effects Of Management Styles On The Production Of Workers. A Case Study Of Hotel Industry..", 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <>.
"Analyzing The Effects Of Management Styles On The Production Of Workers. A Case Study Of Hotel Industry.." 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014.

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