Transportation Management And Customers Satisfaction A Case Study Of Enugu North Mass Transit

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This project study exposes the reader to what transportation management is all about. The various tools involves in management of transport business. 
 Customers are very vital for the survival of transport business. This work exposes the readers to what keeps customers satisfied in any transport business. 
 Various method where employed in collecting data for the study which involves personal interview and questionnaire. 
 Different type of management tools were examined commuters were interviewed with the data collected, presentation and analyzing were done and finally summary were given and conclusion was draw. 


Title page
Approval page
Table of contents

Chapter one 
1.1 General background of the subject matter 
1.2 Problem associated with the subject matter 
1.3 Problem that the study will be concerned 
1.4 The importance of studying the area.
1.5 Definition of the important terms

Chapter two 
Literature review 
2.1 The origin of subject area
2.2 Schools of thought with the subject area
2.3 The schools of thought relevant to the problems of the study
2.4 Different methods of studying the problem

Chapter three.
3.1 Data presentation 
3.2 Analysis of the data
3.3 Recommendation 


 This study fall within the area of transportation management, transportation management deal with how business firm or organization involves in transportation business adopt or choose management tools that will help them achieve the objective which they have set themselves there by implementing its vision.
 Thus it provides the theoretical and conceptual foundation on the management behavior of business organization in transportation management.
 The relevance of management to an organization is that it provides the organization with the policies and strategies that gives the organization the overall concept or nature of its business.
 Hence management is defined process by which manager create, direct, maintain and operate purposive organization through systematic co-coordinated co-operative human effort. 
 This study intends to understand how managers perceive or visualize the customers or commuters who patronize their business. To know whether managers know the relevance of commuters to success or their organizations, to know whether managers know the relevance of commuters to success of their organizations. 
 Lastly, for any business to successes, management must device strategies that will help the organization achieve its objectives. The question now is how do manager perceive the concept of strategy formulation? Managers are subject to environmental turbulence, surprises and constraints. And these forms the basis on which mangers should base their strategy and its is only managers who are knowledgeable on strategies in response to changes in their environments. 
 Briefly, the study is descriptive explorative. Major achievers of the research will be achieved by answering certain research questions. 


In Nigeria the need for an effective transport system becomes more obvious if taken into consideration the large size of the country and the need to disperse development move. The inability of Nigerians to device a better transportation system has been a detraction of the growth of the economic social and political life of the economy. 
Prominent among the problem, includes traveling difficulty lateness to work, movement of agricultural product, goods and services from area of production to area of utilization. 
The federal government of Nigeria offer appraisal of the chafic transport system launched in federal urban mass transit programme (FUMTP) in January 1988.
Consequently in order to ensure the continuity of existence of mass transit service, the manager need to device achious programme capable of alternating the retaining passengers patronage. Such actions programme can apply be christened. 
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(2014, 10). Transportation Management And Customers Satisfaction A Case Study Of Enugu North Mass Transit.. Retrieved 10, 2014, from
"Transportation Management And Customers Satisfaction A Case Study Of Enugu North Mass Transit." 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <>.
"Transportation Management And Customers Satisfaction A Case Study Of Enugu North Mass Transit..", 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <>.
"Transportation Management And Customers Satisfaction A Case Study Of Enugu North Mass Transit.." 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014.

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