Effects Of Personnel Policies On Organization Effectiveness (a Case Study Of Emeniteltd. Emene Enugu)

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Every, business enterprise, big or small, public or private operate within the formwork of policies aimed at achieving a set objectives. These policies take into account the dynamic nature of the business environments, individual needs and aspiration and above all, the cultural from work of organizational effectiveness or production they much depends on the nature of these policies formulated and also on the mode of implementation.
It is on this promise that this research work was imitated to understand various personnel policies operatives in organizations with particular reference to EMENITEas a case study.

Title page i
Approval page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract   v
Tale of content vi

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 General Background of the subject matter 2
1.2 Problems associated with the subject matter 3
1.3 Problems that the study will be concerned with 5
1.4 The importance of studying the area 6
1.5 Definition of important terms 7
1.6 References 10

2.0 Literature Review 11
2.1 The origin of the subject area 12
2.2 School of thought within the subject area 13
2.3 The school of though relevant to the problem study 17
2.4 Different methods of studying the problems 24
2.5 Summary 30
2.6 References 30

3.0 Conclusion 33
3.1 Data presentation 34
3.2 Analysis of data 41
3.3 Recommendation 41
3.4 Conclusion 44
3.5 References 45

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(2014, 11). Effects Of Personnel Policies On Organization Effectiveness (a Case Study Of Emeniteltd. Emene Enugu).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 11, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/4407/effects-of-personnel-policies-on-organization-effectiveness-a-case-study-of-emeniteltd-emene-enugu-4984
"Effects Of Personnel Policies On Organization Effectiveness (a Case Study Of Emeniteltd. Emene Enugu)." ProjectStoc.com. 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/4407/effects-of-personnel-policies-on-organization-effectiveness-a-case-study-of-emeniteltd-emene-enugu-4984>.
"Effects Of Personnel Policies On Organization Effectiveness (a Case Study Of Emeniteltd. Emene Enugu).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/4407/effects-of-personnel-policies-on-organization-effectiveness-a-case-study-of-emeniteltd-emene-enugu-4984>.
"Effects Of Personnel Policies On Organization Effectiveness (a Case Study Of Emeniteltd. Emene Enugu).." ProjectStoc.com. 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/4407/effects-of-personnel-policies-on-organization-effectiveness-a-case-study-of-emeniteltd-emene-enugu-4984.

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