People work generally in order to make moneys food their families and enjoy better condition of live. Hence, if the perform very well, they will make more than they earn before especially when they have skills and energy to do so.
Motivation implies incentives and inducements which will make a worker feel more committed to duty and also motivations and employee performance are vital tools to achieve organizational goals and objectives
Motivation can be defines as a way individuals reacts to any needs, idea emotion or organic state of action. If is t he driving resect from the materiel tension that occurs when the need has not been satisfies. Generally, the definition of motivation is concerned with three feature as follows of motivation is concerned with three major features as follows
i. Determination of actions required satisfying the need
ii. What directs or channels such behavior
iii. identification of law this behaviour is maintained or sustained
in the problem sectors it is the duty of the manager to add a little incentive to motivate him workers for greater performance and higher productivity in the organization. in this context for example. We must have information on the needs people experience or the out come they seek in order to provide the types of reward they find attraction of the same time, these rewards or incentives must be administered, so that the people are encouraged to engage in the behaviour required by the Organisation. these incentives include. Extra hours bonus at lowery rate, availability of basic facility e.g pope borne water, elericity etc car loans which will enhance the prestige and personality of the worker in the society, free health services for the families of the workers, relieve duties and last but not the least job schedules etc.
then aspect of employee performance in the organization of should be pointed out that employee’s performance appraisal is very much dependent on the perceptual process.
According to Stephen p. Robbins Organizational behaviour said that an emlopyee future is closely field to his or her appraisal promotion pay raises and continuation of employment are among the obvious out come. More also, Heinz Weihrich et al 1994 “management a global perspective “said that to succeed in any business organisation whether public or privator sectors it is important and appropriate incentives high will guarantee optional effective and efficiency for each employee. Effective managers achieve at high level of employee performance with an available resources to vary degree, including money and other physical as a “resource” in a relatively incest development and has encounters some resistance who is understandable since people process for greater intrinsic work than either money or materials
Describing people as a resource undresses the fact that they require certain levels of care attention and Coppertone also the practices of management 1961, by Peter Drucker in regard to employee performances change management with three furutions in order to acquire source productivity . These functions are economic performance, managing manager and managing worker are work. if is assured that man alone of all three resources available to him can group and develop any public or private sector or organisation .
Many mangers regard the management of their subordinates (employee) as fist and foremost a day to day activity concerned with relation of work, which is compared with competence in the management of inter personal relationship and control of behaviour. White others do not aid they would be loosing thousands of what they suppose to acquire batter productivity.
In condusion, all these help to motivitate a worker to pat in his or her best effort to see the success and growth of the organisation. And also all be the management talking active part in handing these two factor (motivation and employee performance ) their main and objective ill be highly realized ie. Profit and high productivity .
Title page ii
Approval page iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of content vii
Introduction 1
1.1 Historical Background of NTA ABA 4
1.2 Statement of Problems 6
1.3 Statement of Hypothesis 7
1.4 Significant of the study 8
1.5 Definition of terms. 8
1.6 Scope and Limitation of study. 9
Review of related Literature
2.1 Overview of motivation employee performance. 11
2.2 Meaning of motivation. 14
2.3 Definition of Motivation 14
2.4 Theorist Contribution Based On
How Employees Be Motivated 16
2.5 How Can an Employee Be Motivated? 17
2.6 Employee’ Obligation. 25
2.7 Employee Effort 26
Research Methodology 27
3.1 Research Design 27
3.2 Sample Method 27
3.3 Sample procedure 28
3.4 Instrument of data collection. 28
3.5 Validation of Research Instrument 28
3.6 Population of study 29
3.7 Method of administration of
the research Instrument 30
3.8 Method of Analysis 30
4.1 Presentation and analysis of date 33
4.2 Hypothesis Testing 48
Summary conclusion and Recommendation 51
5.1 Summary and Conclusion 51
5.2 Recommendation 53
5.3 Suggestion for further study 55
Appendix 56
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(2014, 11). Motivation And Employee Performance In The Public Sector A Case Study Of Nigeria Television Authority (nta) Aba Abia-state... Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"Motivation And Employee Performance In The Public Sector A Case Study Of Nigeria Television Authority (nta) Aba Abia-state.." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"Motivation And Employee Performance In The Public Sector A Case Study Of Nigeria Television Authority (nta) Aba Abia-state...", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"Motivation And Employee Performance In The Public Sector A Case Study Of Nigeria Television Authority (nta) Aba Abia-state..." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.
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