Strategies Of Promoting Productivity In Civil Service (a Case Study Of Enugu State Civil Services Commission)

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This study is a research of the Enugu State Civil Service Commission the purpose of the study includes:
i. To find out whether civil servant actually perform below standard.
ii. To find out whether productivity is really declining in the civil services.
iii. To find out what the causes are in the civil services.
iv. To find out the measures to be taken in order to arrest the situation.

While carrying out the research, the data collection method adopted was the questionnaires, the statistical tool used was chi-square.  A total of one hundred questionnaires were distributed out of which twenty was returned.  The finding from the research questions show that.
i. Adequate knowledge of job requirement of motivation and the use of official working hours in the civil service.   At the end, the research made recommendations, some of them include
ii. Management should improve on the working conditions for the staff so that the organization will achieve its desired goals and without good working condition the staff will not be comfortable to work thereby reducing the effectiveness of their work.
iii. They should try and have a communication link between them because communication is one of the tools that lead to effective management, furthermore employ or recruit skilled people morder to have increased out put and to achieve their objectives.
iv. Management should also motivate their worker by paying them their salaries when due.

Title page
Approval page
Table of content

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Research hypothesis
1.7 Scope of the study
1.8 Limitations of the study
1.9 Definition of term

2.1 Literature review
2.2 Entrepreneurial traits
2.3 Objectives of entrepreneurship in business
2.4 Role of entrepreneur in business
2.5 Limitations of entrepreneurial development
2.6 Remedies to the limitations
2.7 Development of entrepreneurship
2.8   Impact for entrepreneurship in the nation economy

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Area of the study 
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sample and sampling procedure 
3.5 Instrument for Data collection
3.6 Validation for the instrument
3.7 Reliability for the instrument
3.8 Method of data Analysis

4.1 Presentation
4.2 Summary of results

5.1 Discussion of result / findings
5.2 Conclusions 
5.3 Implication of the research finding
5.4 Recommendation
5.5 Suggestions for further research 


Productivity has been defined as the volume of good and service produced per worker within some specified unit of the year, now there have been consistent public outer about continuous decline of productivity in the civil service. It is for this reason that this work is being carried out in the view to finding the cause of low productivity how to eliminate these cause and these by bring about recommendation, that will promote productivity in the civil service in general to achieve a successful result in the programme. I have decided to carry out a case study of Enugu state civil service commission.

However the historical back ground of the civil service commission was dated back to the end of colonial masters and post independence period.

After the second world war, there were about 14 British Administration in the secretarial 70 Nigerians support staff and one Europe stenography. The head quarter of most technical department which was in Ebutemetta. (Lagos). The head quarter of the mine was in jos, while the agriculture and forestry was in Ibadan, field administration was co-ordinate from two center, kaduna for north and Lagos laster Enugu for the south.

In 1939, southern Nigeria was split into two region respectively. The Richard constitution in 1914 further divided the country into three region namely the northern western and Eastern regions. The macpherson constitution of 1951, introduced the appointment of ministers for the region and at the center of the civil service between the politician in office and the authorities of the lugardera, the duties of all administrative office. Were juct that of maintaining law and order in the district placed under the immediate administrative control. It was only at the end of World War II that effort were made to achieve some social and economic benefit for Nigerians. It was at that time 
Such office like the department of marketing and export were established. The rapid Nigerianisation of civil service and the executive council brought about new conception of the role of the civil service 
For example, in the western Nigerians civil service were told that policy making was the exclusive function of the legislature. So, the civil servant were to do. In the eastern state civil servants were to give sound advice to the political leaders, control the traditional aspect of government activities and were also to be efficient executive who could manage and threat all the complex operation of the made state.

In the northern Nigerian, the duties of administrative office include to assist to give training to people as regard building up an efficient institution of local government and finally to facilitate the emergence of an intelligent and responsible public opinion. The system of administration that emerged on was also English language that was used as a medium of communication in the conduct of government business the country fought the civil war six year after independence and this was quickly followed about six year of oil boom which brought about extreme materialism. The give rise to great indiscipline, corruption and a total contemplation order, honour and excellence within the whole society including the civil service. Having discussed the historical background of the civil service and its roles before and after independence it is necessary at this stage to define the term “productivity which is the main object of the research.
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(2014, 10). Strategies Of Promoting Productivity In Civil Service (a Case Study Of Enugu State Civil Services Commission).. Retrieved 10, 2014, from
"Strategies Of Promoting Productivity In Civil Service (a Case Study Of Enugu State Civil Services Commission)." 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <>.
"Strategies Of Promoting Productivity In Civil Service (a Case Study Of Enugu State Civil Services Commission)..", 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <>.
"Strategies Of Promoting Productivity In Civil Service (a Case Study Of Enugu State Civil Services Commission).." 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014.

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